Chapter VIII

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Can He Freeze My Heart? Chapter VIII

Loki's PoV

We returned to Tony's room in a rather uncomfortable silence. Upon arriving, he dug into his closet and- almost- magically, pulled out a huge bundle of fabric. He called it a "sleeping bag" and unrolled it on the floor. The thing was dark green, felt smooth and a bit slick, and a "zipper" perched on the edge of it.

I ignored his rambling and sat on it. The bag wrinkled, revealing an opening opposite of my feet. It looked like it'd eat me....

"Lokster, it's harmless," Tony interrupted my thought and stuck his arm in up to the elbow, "see?"

Fearing it would bite off his arm, I pulled his hand out and stepped on its jaw, closing the mouth.

"Tony, what is the meaning of this, uh, thing?" I poked where the zipper ended and heard a delightful little sound. I did it a few times before I grew tired of it, then asked, "is this like the ones they mentioned in that tome called 'Uglies' by a Scott Westerfeld?"

Tony's eyes widened and he made a strange noise, then began laughing heartily. "Ahahaa, you've read that? Bwahahahahhahahaha!" I stared at him in confusion.

"What is so funny?" I questioned, "is my choice in books funny?" I raised an eyebrow and prodded the opening of the 'sleeping bag.'

"It's a book for teenagers, Loki," he explained. "But yes, like the books, except this one makes a roll."

He took my hand and pulled me to my feet. He had me seat myself on the bed, saying something about 'how to work it.'

Tony grabbed the musical trinket on the zipper and slid it down. The thing split in two and he flipped it open. Surprisingly, there weren't any organs or anything, just fleecy soft stuff.

"What sorcery is this?" I tried not to sound amazed, but it was amazing. Was Tony a magician?

"You put yourself in it like this," he demonstrated by laying down on the fleecy comfort, "and zip it shut." He pulled the zipper/tag thing up until only his head stuck out. It didn't start eating him.

I kneeled next to the bag and prodded where his chest would be and was rewarded with a giggle? I repeated the action until the bag was squirming and Tony couldn't stop laughing.

"Loookiiii~ Hahaha, stahp I can't breathe!" He inched out the top and caught his breath, sides heaving.

"Why were you laughing? Did the bag connect your minds and used you to laugh when I poked it??" I searched for any sign of cords but found none.

"Nope, just felt weird when you poked me through the bag," he explained. He looked at me and raised a brown eyebrow. "When did you last shower?"

I thought for a minute.... "Three days ago, they didn't let me use the bathroom for that purpose. I must smell horrid," I confessed.

He frowned, gave a little nod and scrambled out to ravage his closet.

"What are you doing, Tony?" I asked. He threw articles of clothing left and right before hitting me in the face with a shirt. "Mgh- Stark!"

"I'm getting you clothes. Where's that pair of jeans...." He pondered as he attacked the dresser.

"Okay..." I looked at the trashed room with disgust and sighed. If I remembered correctly he leaves for his workshop around eleven at night. I could clean up the room before he comes back. Hmmm...possibility.

I failed to catch the next piece of clothing- a pair of skinny jeans- but caught the rest with a hand. He directed me to the bathroom and shut the door behind him, so I undressed and turned on the shower.

Little did I know, he had it set to freezing cold and only the strange disembodied voice could change it. I yelped when the water hit me and almost slipped. After a minute, it didn't feel cold anymore, so I finished my shower and came out with a towel wrapped around my waist. I examined the clothing he chose: a Black Sabbath tee, dark blue skinny jeans, and red and gold boxers? Quite the Midgardian style. I dressed myself, and walked out.

Did you know that my Jotun form can scare people? I did, especially when Tony saw me and did a spit take with his coffee.

"D-dude, Loki, you're BLUE!" I looked down and remembered. I slapped my hand over the front of my face, which Tony later informed me was a "facepalm."

"Long story, but don't worry, it'll go away. Why is your shower so cold?" I asked, hoping he'd forget the subject.

"Wakes me up. But Loki, your eyes are red, your skin is blue with patterns," he approached me and placed an overly hot hand on my forearm, "and your skin emits a chill. What's going on with this?" I took a small step back, trying to block out the bad memories that came to the surface.

"I-I'm a Jotun. If I get too cold, I change forms and cold no longer bothers me," I explained. "Now please, drop the subject. I'm not comfortable with it." I went to the bathroom mirror and checked if it was receding. It wasn't. "Damn."

Tony's PoV

"Wait, aren't Jotuns the enemies of Asgard?" I questioned. I knew I was treading dangerous water, but for some reason, I had to know. I mean, that would mean when he found out...

"Drop it Stark!" He roared, his knuckles paling as he gripped the counter edge with full strength. It cracked from the bottom to the side of the wall, ivory white next to navy blue.

I bit the inside of my cheek and sat quietly. 'Great going Stark, you pissed him off. Now he hates you,' I told myself. For some reason, that made my chest hurt, like someone was parking a tractor on it. I looked down at my hands and chewed hard enough to make my cheek bleed.

Suddenly I felt the need to escape my room. I closed the door behind me with a click and strode to the exercise room, leaving Loki to himself in my room.

(A/N: I'm not sure if this is filler or not.... Prolly not. Anyways, enjoy!)

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