Can He Freeze My Heart? (A FrostIron fanfic)

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Can He Freeze My Heart? A FrostIron fanfic

(A/N: This happens after the Avengers movie, before Iron Man 3. Just FYI.)

Tony's PoV

I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't process what happened. Pepper left me. Just packed up and left, said she couldn't do this anymore, this relationship, worrying if I was dying was too much for her nerves. She was gone, and I didn't know what to do with myself.

I settled for drinking myself stupid, continuing business when I wasn't, so generally acting normally. It was anything but though. I looked to see her smile and only saw the wall. Ghosts of Pepper dotted the entire place, driving deeper inside myself. I had to get out, I was suffocating.

"Patchy, I'm calling in a favor. I need a new place to stay." I sipped a bit of scotch, reclining in my desk chair.

The director of the organization known as SHIELD regarded me with a general disdain. "Do not call me that, Stark. You have places all over the world to visit, go somewhere else." Fury raised an eyebrow. "Besides, we have enough people on the carrier."

I wouldn't take no for an answer. "Just get me a room, will ya? I promise I won't tick off Banner again." His video-chat image rolled his eyes. "Scout's honor." I put a hand over my heart.

"..... Alright fine. But hitting on staff may be harmful to your health." Fury cut the connection and I sipped my drink. Great, I get to live on a heli-carrier for a while.

I must say, they really fixed it up after the Hulk smashed some parts, and the invasion. Nope, don't think about that, you'll panic again. Stupid anxiety attacks...

Anyways, the only Avengers on board was my science bro, Bruce. He had his room about twenty meters from everyone else's, so I would be fairly safe if he, you know, Hulked out. When you don't piss him off, he's a very nice guy, compared to most. Tan skin, blackish hair, he looks so nice, like he couldn't hurt a fly. Only word to describe him. Nice.

Patchy, on the other hand, screams, "Badass commander of dooooom!" Sorry if I sound racist, but he looks like some kind of black Chuck Norris in my eyes. He's very cold, gruff, but cares for his friends. He just doesn't express feelings all the time.

After "checking in" with Patchy, I unpacked in my room, tripped over the doorjamb and cussed at it, then raided the break room/private access for ice cream. I so had to hit the gym after that, they had like a gazillion flavors! I especially chocolate chip mint. Mmm...

I returned to my room after eating a few bowls and fell fast asleep, exhausted for no reason.

(Hi guys! So ah, hope you like this! Comment, vote, fan! I love all my duckies out there who do all three~ and please, no ship wars or dissing. No one thinks you're cool when you hate on ideas.)

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