Chapter IV

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Can He Freeze My Heart? Chapter IV

(A/N: Warning: Angry Director Fury. Proceed with caution.)

Tony's PoV

"Patchy, I think Thor is coming. There's a huge storm in New Mexico, like when he last came." Fury glared at me and signaled Agent Hill over.

"We know. Can you detect a portal at all?" I shook my head. Jarvis was working on that.

"Should I check on Loki?" He gave me the 'no shit Sherlock' look I knew too well from my month onboard. "I'm going, I'm going," I made my way towards the door, "-Patchy." I ran for it, cackling like mad. A shot fired after me, aimed at the hall floor. I didn't stop until I tripped in front of the prison block. Damn doorjamb again....

I relieved the current guard of his position and knocked on the bar. Loki was slumped against the wall, but jumped at the metallic clang.

"Hey Loki....why's there seven trays of food on the floor?" I questioned. His hair swished from in front of his face then back. He simply shrugged. " need to eat."

Loki shrugged again, like he wasn't going to talk. Hmmm....

"I'm coming in." I unlocked the door and went inside, ignoring the consequences popping to mind. His name tag was thrown under the bed and he was leaned against the cold metal wall next to his pillow. He made some gesture, hair hiding the left half of his face. "Why aren't you talking? I mean, usually you won't shut up," I teased half heartedly. Something wasn't right at all.

I kneeled next to him and brushed his hair away, tucking it behind an ear. The light was a bit dim, but I could make out something on his mouth- sutures across his lips.

"Who the hell did this to you!?" I half screamed, half whispered. He bowed his head a bit. "You can't eat or speak! C'mon, I'll take you to Mr. Enderson." He panicked, making an ex with his index fingers. "Did he do this to you?" Loki nodded enthusiastically, eyes wide with fright and pain. "Two days ago?" More head bobs. "Okay, lets get you somewhere else. You'll get an infection in here," I mothered.

I didn't put him in handcuffs, just dragged him to my room with a quick stop to the bathroom for him. I forced him in a chair and after swabbing his lips with alcohol, started snipping the stitches.

Loki sat dead still the entire time, wincing every so often. I dabbed up beads of blood coming from the holes left with cotton blobs, carefully wielding the surgical scissors. I could cut only a few before he started bleeding again.

"I'm going to kill that bastard," I vowed. I kinda know why, but the thought of him even laying a hand on Loki made my blood boil enough to break a thermometer. I finished and held the cotton ball to the last set. "Nobody should have this happen to them; I'll cut him to bite-sized pieces before letting Fury chew him to shreds."

Loki moved my hand away. "I'm glad you're sticking up for me," he croaked out. He sounded scratchy, like he screamed for a few hours.

"He has a lesson to learn, that's for sure," I ruffled his hair, "but you're quite welcome."

I combed my fridge and handed him a Red Robin cheeseburger, fries and a bottle of Coke. He moved his lips apart and stifled a yelp. "Ouch." I dug into a drawer and found a bendy straw. "Bendy straws make it all better!" I grinned. He attempted to smile and sipped his soda.

"I hope you can eat, you're too thin to starve," I joked. He rolled his eyes and chewed a careful bite of burger.

"Kick his ass," he replied. "But save some for me."

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