Chapter XI

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Can He Freeze My Heart? Chapter XI

Tony's PoV

I awoke curled up on Loki's chest. I must've rolled onto him by accident when I fell asleep. He woke up a few seconds later and looked me in the eyes. I pushed myself away, cheeks burning red.

"Morning Tony," he said with a yawn. He sat up and stretched luxuriously like he didn't care about what just happened. I returned the greeting and popped my back, the crick finally gone. "By the way Tony, if that was awkward for you, you don't have to say anything. I won't say a word."

"Alright. Usually guys don't do that, just so you know." I didn't tell him about the exceptions but he probably didn't roll that way. Neither did I, for that matter.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind." I looked around the room just before an agent burst through the door.

"We're under attack! Sorry Mr. Stark, but we need you out there. Rogers and Banner are getting eaten alive," he shakily announced. I jumped off the bed and saluted for the fun of it. Loki attempted to argue but a look silenced him.

"On it," I promised. I went over to the wardrobe and pulled out Enderson's suit from where I stashed it. I donned it as quickly as I could and fired it up.

"You can't be serious Tony! You're still injured!" Loki protested. He knocked on the helmet and ordered, "open up and look me in the eye, Anthony Howard Stark."

I complied so he wouldn't get pissed. The operating system who apparently was called Mouse(Major Operating and Useful System of Enderson) complained loudly in my ear about genetic code not matching but I overrode it with a specialized binary code of mine.

"Yes Loki?" The god sighed and tapped the center of my forehead with his index finger. I felt a tingling sensation from that spot and shivered.

"Stay safe. If you die, I'm going to Hela and kicking your ass," he told me. I nodded and followed after the disappearing soldier, giving him a wave before running towards the fight.

It was chaos from the moment I stepped in. Cappy was grappling with a lady roughly around the cargo area, Hulk was smashing planes to pieces and chucking them at guys who moved like ninjas, and the assortment of agents were firing at them uselessly; the bullets melted in midair. Did I mention they all glowed an ember red and occasionally shot magma from their palms?

"Fu-!" My curse was cut off by a lad charging straight into me and sending me into the wall. The armor cushioned the impact but it still hurt like a mother-frigger. I got up and fired a blast at his midriff.

It hit him straight on, but instead of him dying right off, the red flesh knit itself back together and he grinned.

"Oh joy," I said with a nervous chuckle. This isn't going to work well.

The kid threw a fireball at my head. I ducked and rolled out of the line of fire(pfffft haha just realized what I said) and fired the propulsors. I looked over and saw Hulk needed some help, he was buried alive in a writhing mass of mutated people. I flew over and started pulling them off and chucking them away, using my blasters to defend myself and Capsicle.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a flash of green and black, then the room froze; literally. Steve was stuck beating off a crazy looking brunette with his shield, Maria was in the middle of a roundhouse kick, and even Fury had been trapped firing a bullet. Icicles hung off the frozen mutants and their skin glowed a fading purple. I wasn't frozen for some reason, I wiggled my fingers and threw a punch to test that. I whipped around at the noise of a cough behind me, ready for anything.

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