Chapter X

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Can He Freeze My Heart? Chapter X

Loki's PoV

I was surprised at how the "program" knew physics, and Tony seemed impressed by my knowledge. He was much smarter than I gave him credit for. I needed to stop underestimating him.

He sat down on his bed and groaned a bit. I remained standing, but I slouched, relaxing my shoulders and stance. The room wasn't too warm, but cozy and I liked it this way. I observed Tony's position, which was a bit tense. His shoulder was especially taut, and a little awkwardly placed. I must have said something, but I don't remember what. Then he replied.

"A shoulder massage? Sure." Tony laid stomach-down on the bed and relaxed his muscles. Did I suggest that? This is going to be awkward....

(A/N: Omg this'll be weird for me to write...)

I straddled his back and kneaded his shoulders. I felt him shift underneath me and I swear, he purred.

"Oh wow... Loki, don't you dare stop..." I smirked. He was shameless, wasn't he. I used a little pressure and felt all the knots. Two could play at that game.

"You're so tight Tony, my gods," I mumbled huskily, almost flirtingly. He just made a low, pleased moan.

"What the hell are you two doing in there?!?" The Captain of America barged through the door, his cheeks a bit flushed. I paused, allowing Tony to lift his head.

(A/N2: I prolly stole the idea... I'm sorry I thought it'd be hilarious!)

"Hey Cappy," Tony said groggily, "Loki offered a back massage." The Captain slapped his palm to his face and spoke through gritted teeth.

"No, why did- why were- never mind. I don't care." He left the room, his face blazing red. I lifted an eyebrow in confusion.

"What was his deal?" I asked. Tony shrugged and set his face back on the pillow. I resumed it, muffling a few chuckles at Tony's responses.

Before the Jotunheim incident, I never believed myself capable of having a friend. I usually was by myself, with my books, in my room. I didn't socialize, and I certainly didn't have close friends. But now... I felt different. It was great, having a friend. Maybe that's why Thor had so many; they help you feel better. I could make more... Couldn't I?

I pondered that as I massaged his neck, back and shoulders of tension. It relaxed me some, just doing a mindless task. I kept doing it until I heard a snore. I glanced at Tony, whose eyes were closed and his mouth ajar.

"Hehe.." It amused me that he happened to fall asleep. Sleep.... My mind wandered to when he had that nightmare. His eyes had completely genuine fear when they met mine. He must have been terrified of that nightmare, whatever it was.

I shook my head and carefully moved off to the side, choosing to lay next to Tony. Before I realized it occurred, I drifted off to sleep.

Unknown PoV

"I know you said it would be there! You lied again. Give me the truth, I need to know," I demanded. I was getting fed up with his deception.

"Patience, patience. I needed to judge your skills, and I must say I am impressed," my boss said in a bored tone. "You'll get your revenge sure enough."

I snapped the phone shut and kicked the gravel at my feet. He said that before. Liar.

I glanced at the pine far off to my left and opened my palm. A blast of fire swathed it in a red glow, burning it to a crisp. In a matter of minutes, it was only ash and dust.

"Stark, your days are numbered."


Dundundun!!! We have a villain! And not a sissy like the evil Doctor Porkchop- I mean Enderson. It's short, cuz I didn't know how to make it longer... I hope you guys like!

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