Chapter III

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Can He Freeze My Heart? Chapter III

Tony's POV

Watching Reindeer Games was easy, he just sat around and occasionally hit his head on the wall. Fury set up a guard system but Loki never tried to escape. If he had some plan already, he would've been gone by now.....did I ruin his freedom?

I felt awfully guilty for some time, then went to visit him, toting a quart of Ben & Jerry's and a spoon. Ice cream always helps, right?

"Hey Loki, brought you something," I announced to the ravenette. He looked over and saw the ice cream.

"....are you trying to be nice?" He asked skeptically. I rolled my eyes and slid it through the bars.

"No, I'm going to eat it in front of you. Duh, Rudolph. I feel kind of bad for you..." Loki scanned the package and opened it up, taking a bite of Cherry Garcia.

"Well....thanks. Apology accepted, I guess. I'm actually glad it's you that found me, Thor would have probably knocked me unconscious with Mjolnir and put me over his shoulder all the way to Asgard." He ate more, then set it aside. "So why do you feel bad for me? Or is it guilt?" Damn his perceptiveness.

".....white flag. I felt guilty for this," I gestured to the cell. "You don't seem as calm as the last we put you in here, why is that?"

Loki popped the spoon out of his mouth and put it inside the container. "Because this isn't part of any plan. I was hoping to stay away, hidden. I mean, I'm not doing anything bad, just trying to show I'm not what everyone thinks." He pointed to his name tag and told me he even had a neighbor who cared for him. Talk about trippy.

"So you were trying to be...good?" He nodded once. I scratched my head, trying to process what I'd just heard. "I need to head back, you can pass over the container," I offered.

Loki stood and stuck his hand through the bars to give it over. I grabbed it, our fingers brushing the slightest. His face seemed to flush for no reason and he withdrew, returning to his seat. "Thanks, Tony." I was halfway down the hall when I heard him. It made me smile all the way back to my room.

Loki's PoV

I had no idea why I blushed. My face heated up so I sat back down. "Thanks Tony," I called out to the retreating figure. He paused then kept going, smiling. I could tell by his jaw placement.

'Why is my heart pounding?' I breathed deeply thrice and felt normal. Better sleep on it.....nothing to do anyway.

I awoke to the garbage they call food on here being put through the bars on the floor. I ignored it and laid back down, staring at the metallic ceiling instead. My stomach was sated by yesterday's ice cream.

A guard knocked on the lock with his knuckles, startling me into a sitting position. "You're wanted in the hospital wing, Dr. Enderson's orders." Confused, I was handcuffed and led down an unfamiliar corridor, then shoved into a room. The lock clicked shut behind me. What was going on???

"Loki Odinson, or shall I say, Laufeyson?" A man sitting backwards in a desk chair inhaled the carcinogen stick known as a "cigarette" and blew the smoke at me. I coughed and shielded my eyes in my shoulders. "Don't c-call me that," I coughed out. "Doctors shouldn't smoke, it isn't h-healthy."

He smirked at me, tilting my chin up with cold fingertips, the cigarette hanging out of his mouth. "Talking doesn't suit you, Loki." I stared at him and twisted out of his grip.

"Put me back in my cell," I demanded. Dr. Enderson tsked and shook his head of brown hair, grey eyes glinting behind half-rimmed glasses.

"As you wish." A hand clamped something over my nose and mouth, the sickly sweet scent coming off it making my head spin, turning everything to black.

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