Chapter VII

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Can He Freeze My Heart? Chapter VII

Tony's PoV

I was herded down to Fury's office and- very painfully- plonked in a chair next to Loki. I glanced over and smiled at him. "If anything, this is all Enderson's fault," I reassured him.

He nodded, still looking nervous as a student taking a hard quiz. I patted his shoulder and left my hand there for a second, thinking, 'Why does my stomach feel all fluttery?'

"Uh, Tony?" I pulled my hand back. He was slightly flustered, I suppose I did as well. It felt like we were sitting in the principal's office. Awkward...

Fury walked in the door, a bit angry but mostly confused. "Alright, what's going on?"

I spoke first, "I was on guard duty today, and tried to talk to Loki. He didn't reply, which was weird, so I walked in and saw his mouth was stitched shut. I took him to my room and undid them, then I went to find the doctor who did it. Apparently, you hired a villain and he had a suit like mine." Fury rubbed his chin, taking it all in.

"I saw him after the battle with Dr. Finite and apparently, he threw Tony into a helicarrier turbine. It sliced all the way through the armor. He came back to his room and passed out on the bed. I took it upon myself to fix him, since the medical wing was pretty much destroyed," Loki explained. I nodded in agreement "We sent out the suit to get us food, but it never came back and we were forced to come here by your agents. I'm not sure Tony is in the condition to be moving, I mean, since he's injured."

I sat up- with some difficulty- and was nudged by something. It was the suit, carrying a tray of food. It was missing a pinky finger and half a thumb, but it put the food on the table between Loki and I.

"Power down," I ordered. It complied, the light in its eyes flickering out. I gave Fury puppy dog eyes, hoping he'd let us eat.

"Quit that, it doesn't work. But eat anyway." Loki and I dug in, hungry as starved wolves. "So why did you go after Dr. Enderson?"

I gagged on my food. Did not expect that question. "W-what?"

Fury rolled his eyes and repeated the question. I swallowed.

"Because Loki's my friend." Loki choked on his water and I had to thump his back.

"... Come again?" I straightened up, looked him straight in the eye and told him, "Loki's my friend. And if they mess with my friends, they mess with me." Fury raised an eyebrow.

"As long as nothing happens, I'm fine with Loki being out and about. But keep a close eye on him, Tony. Now, get out of my office, I have work to do."

Patchy walked out and left the two of us to an awkward silence...

"Did you really mean that?" Loki asked. "If you didn't, it's fine, -mumble mumble whisper-...."

I used my thumb and forefinger to tilt up his chin and make sure we made eye contact. "I meant every word." I let go of his face and stretched. "Now, I think Fury just assigned you to my room, I'll have to pull out the spare," I reminded myself.

Loki was messing with a scab on his lip but sat up straight after he heard me say 'my room.'

"Wait, what?!"

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