Introduction: A Whisper in the Streets

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Eden Loft was sixteen years old, living in the streets of Gotham. Eden had a musty old room in an abandoned building to call home. Though she was friendly, and bubbly she was also no stranger to the various dangers of living in Gotham. She had watched people come and go. New, uprising criminals on a streak against the police force, striking terror in the hearts of the "normal" citizens. Only to be arrested-or more accurately, "taken out." Gotham had always had a reputation for corruption. Throughout her life Eden had watched people try and fail to "clean up the city." But she had never seen anyone make any real progress until Jim Gordon came along.

Gordon was(so far)lasting longer than his predecessors, and doing a lot more in that time as well. The police force was actually enforcing the law. The criminals of the city were being caught, arrested even! Not murdered by some cop in an alley. Fish, Maroni, Falcone, all being taken down. This meant a great deal to the wealthy families of Gotham sitting snug in their houses watching the news, knowing the "bad guys" had been caught. But it meant little to people living out on the street like Eden, there were plenty of other worries to take their places. But still, it was interesting.

Word traveled quickly through Eden's part of town. There was no shortage of kids like her. Eden had always been friends with Selina Kyle. Even though Selina was a year or two younger than her, Eden had known and trusted her for a long time now. And good friends were hard to find in Gotham. Selina had a little friend named Ivy that Eden saw now and then. Eden thought of Ivy almost as a sort of younger sister. Someone that needed protecting, a little help now and then. Not that Ivy always needed it though, she was tougher than she looked.

Most of the kids out there were just joining together because they all had the same problems. Believe it or not-the kids in Gotham's streets and alleys were a pretty tight-knit community. Not always the most trustworthy, or honest community. But they helped out one another whenever they could. This included keeping each other well informed of what was going on in Gotham. There were always warnings to be shared, places to avoid, people to stay away from. The steady flow of information traveled from ear to ear incredibly fast. There was always someone with the answers you're looking for. You just have to know who.

So yes, Eden was in a good position to notice any change in the city. And one benefit of living anywhere in the streets was that there was no shortage of gossip to be "overheard"-through kids and adults. So one morning as Eden sat crouched on a fire escape, watching-she heard something. Whispers of a new shark in town. A new team, a new threat. The cool wind rustled her dishwater blonde curls, and crept under the sleeves of her jacket. And she watched in fascination as the rumors spread like wild fire to a pile of soft wood shavings. Tales of new faces on "Gotham's Most Wanted" Whispers of the boy with scarlet hair, and a sinister smile.


Hi guys! I'm just starting this story so tell me what you think. Sorry for the slow start, I know you are probably just waiting for Jerome to enter, I'll try and speed that up haha. But yeah in the meantime feel free to comment and I hope you like it!

-P.M <3

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