Chapter 18. Breaking Point

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Jerome didn't seem like himself suddenly, the funny, playful light had left his eyes and he seemed very focused on the plan.

"You okay?" I asked hesitantly.

"What?" His head snapped back up to attention suddenly.

"For a second there you looked like someone had canceled Friday the Thirteenth." I joked.

His eyes scanned the room as he spoke, "Funny. I'm trying to focus here."

I grumbled at his suddenly dull and serious tone. I liked Jerome better when we weren't spending time together as part of an elaborate plot. His green eyes continued to scan the crowd surrounding us.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"Not a what, a who." He said without looking.

"Well who then?" I said, Jerome ignored me. "Maybe I know where you can find them?" I said, "Shhh! I don't need your help, just be quiet and and act like you belong here." He snapped. Touchy. I wanted to stop dancing with him if he was going to be a jerk, but his hand gripped mine tighter.

I already was aware of most of the plan for tonight. I knew that Jerome would be using hostages in order to get whatever he wanted from the GCPD. But I didn't see why he would need to find a specific person, I was told he would simply select a random face in the crowd to provide him his entertainment and leverage for the night.

"I just thi-" I started to say but was interrupted immediately by Jerome's irritated groan,

"You just don't know when to stop. Fine, I have to find a certain target that's going to be "assisting" my act."

"And that target would be...?" I prompted impatiently.

"I'm going to use the Wayne kid we met. But he seems to have vanished." Jerome muttered, distracted once again.

"Bruce Wayne?" I was horrified, he nodded. "But he's just a kid?"

"And?" Jerome stated blankly.

"And- I'm not stupid I know what you mean by 'assisting,' you can't do that to him." I babbled, plainly petrified. "You wouldn't!" I stated, though I had a sick feeling in my stomach that said I was wrong.

"Why not? I believe you said so yourself a while ago, that I'm, I'm-what's the word? Oh yes. A monster." Jerome looked at me, his eyes cruel, smiling. Then he laughed, "C'mon don't act like you weren't expecting anyone to get hurt tonight."

"This is different. Taking out another corrupt businessman of Gotham isn't a big deal, but I'm not okay with kids getting hurt," I glared, trying again to pull my hand from his.

"And the school bus?" He rolled his eyes at me.

"I wasn't okay with that either!"

"You sure seemed fine with it."

I finally wrenched my hands away from him and stepped back, "Yeah well you've seen how Gallavan deals with people who want out of the operation. I've kept quiet until now because I prefer to have my blood in my veins and not on the wall, but this is getting to be too much." I stalked off to the edge of the ballroom, away from the crowd.

Something caught my wrist and I spun around to see Jerome looking at me, all traces of humor gone from his eyes. "...Eden," he spoke through his teeth, "are you saying what I think you're saying?"

I ignored the fear that threatened to shake my voice as I met his gaze, "I'm out. I won't help you do this."

He smiled, but it wasn't teasing, it was cold, "And you think you can just walk away?" He laughed icily, "Did you really think you could just walk off with all the information you have? Not just about tonight, but about the whole operation."

Now my insides were starting to feel numbed by fear as I glared into his green eyes, "Jerome. Let go of my arm."

He met my gaze with cruel amusement, and then lunged forward. In one swift movement he covered my mouth and yanked me behind a nearby curtain. I fought kicking, and trying to bite him as he dragged me further backstage. He sighed, "You should've kept quite a little longer Eden."

Then he hit me over the head with something heavy, and all at once the room faded to black.

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