Chapter 15. Favors

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I woke up the next morning when my door suddenly swung open loudly, banging into the wall beside it. Immediately I shot up to a sitting position in alarm, but of course it was only Jerome. I was suddenly glad that I had slept in an oversized t-shirt and shorts, this could have been a lot worse. 

"What is going on?" I asked blinking the sleep from my eyes. 

Jerome was back to being his mischievously annoying self as he walked over to  my bed and sat down next to me, leaning back against the pillows, "I don't know, would you rather be woken up by me or Greenwood?" He grinned at my obvious irritation. 

"Neither." I grouched. Jerome laughed and prodded the hair in my face, which was fuzzy from being slept on. 

I swatted his hand away and he laughed harder, "Well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine in the morning." I made a face at him and went to get up, but he got up too and stood in front of me, blocking my way. I narrowed my eyes, knowing that this was the start of one of his little games all over again. But my morning-self just isn't very patient or reasonable. So I attempted to step around him and he side stepped so that I walked right into him. "Oooh Eden, if you wanted to get closer all you had to do was ask!" He teased as I backed away, flustered.

My eyebrows lowered and I tried to look angry and scary at him as he laughed at my reactions. 

"Move!" I said running out of ideas. 

"Make me." Jerome grinned teasingly. "What are you gonna do about it shorty?" He raised an eyebrow to see how I would take that remark. 

I scoffed, my mouth falling open in annoyance, "I am an average height!" 

Jerome laughed and winked at me, "Sure you are." Now he was really getting on my nerves, and he knew it too. I glared and tried to shove him out of my way, with my arms locked out against his chest but he just laughed harder. "Can't keep your hands off me can you?" He teased, smiling down at me all flirty.

I smacked him on the arm for that one before letting my arms fall to my sides in defeat.

"Do you give up yet?" Jerome asked. 

"Fine sure whatever! You win can I go now?" I asked. He wrapped his hands around my wrists, yanking me towards him. 

"I don't know Eden, I seem to be winning an awful lot. I think it's time we start actually giving the winner a prize." I glared harder, it wasn't hard to see where this was going. 

"Prize is a pretty broad term, maybe the prize could be a one-way ticket out of my room." I said. 

"Ohhhh no, you aren't getting off that easy." The way he grinned at me made me uneasy.

"Fine I owe you one." I grumbled. 

"Owe me one what?" Jerome wiggled his eyebrows excitedly. I tried to rip free my hands angrily, 

"Not that sort of thing, I mean a favor. I'm in your  debt." Jerome seemed to think about it for a minute. 

"Hmmmmm." He said before leaning in so close our noses almost touched, "I like the idea of that." This time I wrenched a hand out of his grip and pushed him away. 

"Good for you now get out." I walked back over to sit on my bed, but unfortunately he followed.

"Actually I did come up here for a reason," Jerome said sitting too close beside me. "We might not have needed you for the attack on the precinct, but this next performance is going to be a bit more complex. Don't you want to hear your part in the plan?" Judging by his grin I had a feeling that I wouldn't like it. 

"No." I said in a dead tone. "But I assume you'll tell me anyway."

Jerome grinned, "We are going to crash a charity ball. And I decided how I'm going to cash in my little favor. So I guess I'd better go tell Galavan who's date you'll be going as then huh?!" He said as he made two fingers walk up along my arm, creeping towards my collar bone. I grabbed his hand to stop it's progress before answering.

My stomach dropped as I realized what he was saying, "Dobkins?" I pretended to smile sarcastically. 

He laughed loudly, "Nice try there princess, but for tonight anyways- you're all mine!"

I'm in trouble.

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