Chapter 16. Blending

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The heel of my shoe caught on the door frame, and I would have tumbled straight to the floor if Jerome hadn't caught me. "Quite the graceful entrance if I do say so myself." He teased, and I elbowed him. I hated walking in heels. Almost as much as I hated wearing dresses, specifically the sort that I was wearing that night. The charity ball was filled to the brim with Gotham's finest citizens, dressed in their most expensive attire. Jerome blended right in, Galavan had gotten him a silky tuxedo from Italy or something. I was wearing a lacy, knee length, black dress. I felt like a child on halloween. But without the added benefit of free candy.

Jerome grinned arrogantly at my irritation and offered me his arm as we proceeded through the entrance hall. He whispered, "Galavan said blend in doll face, that means participating, having fun!" Then he lowered his voice even further, speaking through his teeth in a hiss, "So play the part." I grudgingly took his arm and forced my face into a sarcastic smile. Jerome kept scratching his head, he was wearing a fedora to hide his bright red hair. We didn't want to risk anyone recognizing him, and most people remembered him as the crazy red head. 

"Remind me again what exactly the part is?" I asked. 

"Don't draw attention, and act as though you belong until the show starts. Then you stay here, and Jerome Valeska takes the stage!" He grinned in excitement. 

"How do we act like we belong? I've never been to anything like this before. What are we supposed to do, stand around and compare rolex's and Ferraris?" I scoffed. 

"Nah none of these sons of bitches are gonna out-rolex me. So to spare them the defeat we can just dance around and talk to people now and then." Jerome said as I laughed.

"I have a hard time imagining you talking to people for some reason," I laughed again as he raised an eyebrow. "That is unless you're threatening to stab them or something I guess I can picture that." This time it was Jerome that glared at me in annoyance at my teasing. 

"Oh yeah? Watch this." He said and whisked me away to the nearest bystander. "Good evening my fellow gentleman, this allegretto makes for an ethereal ambience wouldn't you agree?" Jerome said in what sounded like a different language with a fake accent, to a boy standing by himself. 

"Um, sure I suppose." He sounded a bit taken off guard. "Who might you be?" The boy asked looking confused. Jerome shook the boys hand, 

"Cornelius Croissant is the name, this is the lovely miss Eden.... Shoe." Jerome improvised.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Bruce Wayne." He smiled politely, ignoring the strange names Jerome had provided him with. Bruce smiled at me, and so I shook his hand politely, Jerome's eye twitched. 

"So, you having fun yet?" Jerome leaped onto a new subject. 

"I guess, it's a bit dull right now. But I heard there's going to be a magician performing later tonight." Bruce seemed distracted, as though he was just trying to make conversation. 

"Oh yes I hear he's rather spectacular I would be sure to get a good seat." Jerome grinned larger than his face could allow. Bruce seemed to be looking for somebody behind Jerome as he spoke, 

"Yes of course, if you'll excuse me there's someone I need to speak with." Bruce politely dismissed himself and disappeared into the crowd. 

I punched Jerome on the arm, "Shoe? Really? That's the best name you could come up with?" 

Jerome laughed loudly as he took my arm in his again, "I'm usually much better at improvisation. You seem to be knocking off my game. Your sarcastic commentary is beginning to distract me." I laughed as we brushed through the well dressed crowd. 

"Well what now?" I asked.

He turned to look me in the eye, "Miss Shoe... may I have this dance." He asked in a dramatic and theatrical voice, and offered me his hand, grinning mischievously the whole time.

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