Chapter 4. Up in Smoke

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Even though I was hiding my face in my hands, I heard his footsteps coming closer. And I felt his presence as he slid down the wall to sit beside me on the floor. I refused to look up at him, or give him any sort of attention still. 

"Either you believe I can't see you, or you're playing a rather intense game of peek-a-boo with an invisible friend." Jerome finally said. I lifted my head to glare at him, and he smiled at having earned a reaction. "Why so quiet doll face?" He questioned next. 

"Well Jerome, you don't just plan a murder out loud." I told him in a voice like stone. 

"Without me?!" He pretended to be shocked, his hands over his heart. 

"Well what makes you so sure you aren't my target?" I challenged. 

He laughed condescendingly, "That's cute." Jerome smiled at me, sending shivers down my spine.

"But I see right through you honey, and you're not a killer... not yet." he said before bursting into his one of a kind laugh again, "Speaking of which what are you in for anyway?" 

I looked into his bright green eyes and said "I'm not in for anything. Some lady saw me walking around and thought I was a patient out of my cell. I just need to speak to a guard and explain." I groaned annoyed. 

Jerome laughed again before replying "Good luck with that. Lenny here never pays attention and his shift doesn't end until seven." 

"Seven?! But that's like five hours from now!" I realized. 

"Lucky me." Jerome smiled and raised his eyebrows up and down.

I scoffed at his words and slid sideways against the wall, turning my back to him. He slid over next to me again anyway. I was feeling rather stubborn though, and I didn't want to let him win. So I stood up and began walking away. 

"Where ya goin?" Jerome asked as he fell into step beside me. 

"Away from you." I told him blankly. He stepped in front of me, cutting me off mid-step to avoid walking right into him. 

"Now Eden," He said suddenly in a dangerously calm voice, his face dark and serious. The cold grasp of fear chilled my insides. "You know I'd never hurt a fly." His sugar coated voice was dripping venom as he smiled sweetly. 

"I've seen the news Jerome! Forget about flies you killed your own mother!" I gasped. 

"To compare that wicked old shrew to a fly would be an insult to insects everywhere." He retorted.

"You're a monster." I said going to turn away again. But Jerome wrapped his long fingers around my wrist in an iron grip and looked me in the eyes. 

"Look at me Eden. I'm not crazy, you can see it. I'm not a monster I'm just..uh how to put this.." He thought hard before snapping and exclaiming "ahead of the curve." I stared at him, not daring to say a word for once. "What's the matter?" He smiled devilishly. "Am I scaring you?" He seemed to enjoy the thought. 

"No" I tried to say strongly but my voice shook a bit. Jerome smiled like a snake about to strike. 

"You put up a strong front Eden, I'll give you that much. But I can tell when you're lying." I backed away slowly and tried to rip free my hand. 

"Let go of me." I said for the last time. 

"Let me think. No." Jerome pulled me closer again.

"What d'you have there Jerome?" We both looked to see who had spoken. A tall blonde woman wearing the same dress as I was stood watching nearby. He hastily released his grip on my hand and I quickly pulled away from him. 

"Nothing." He said too quickly, before taking a deliberate step in front of me, as if to hide me from her view. "What's it to you Barbara?" Jerome seemed agitated at being interrupted, I stepped to the side to see what the girl-- Barbara wanted.. 

"Who are you?" Barbara asked me, ignoring him. 

"I'm Eden." I told her slightly relieved. 

"Well Eden I'm Barbara, and I was wondering if you would like to come sit by me? There aren't many girls in here." She seemed nice... for a loony bin inmate anyway. I smiled charismatically 

"Of course, I'd love to." and proceeded to follow her over to a long rectangular table.

Barbara sat with an older man in glasses. She then put her feet up on the knees of a tall, strong looking dude holding a bottle of glossy red nail polish. On the other side of the table Jerome went and sat with a thin, dazed looking one and a short creepy guy. What a fun variety of people I was getting to meet on this blessed day.

Barbara quickly introduced me and then went on talking to the men. The short one with crazy hair was giving me a look that made me want to run straight out of that room. Jerome sat next to him, and he seemed to be watching the man with fierce intensity. The thin guy was smiling and singing a song to himself under his breath as Barbara announced that she wanted someone to tell her a funny story. 

I sighed, knowing that this was going to be a long night. I felt bad as I remembered Jasper waiting at home. The only thing that made me feel better was knowing that Selina should be there by now. She could help him, make sure he found something to eat. That thought gave me a bit more peace of mind.

As I sat not paying attention to some story the guy with glasses was telling I tried to distract my thoughts. I ran my fingers through my tangled hair. It was naturally pretty wavy, which I liked and all-but it knotted up like a shoelace. By the time I had worked my way to the ends there was a new inmate being brought in by guards. He stood on a table and shouted something about us "surrendering our souls" or whatever. 

At this point I was getting real tired of the crazies so I tried to just tune him out.-that is until he passed out and went off like a smoke bomb. I jumped out of my seat as purple fumes spread out of his mouth. I panicked and searched the room for somewhere to run to, but there was no where to go. Barbara seemed more confused than concerned. And as for Jerome-he looked almost delighted as he watched the gas spread curiously. I guess he enjoyed a little action. I was about to think about how I might feel being trapped in here day after day-but then the gas reached my nose. A smell like lavender and sawdust filled my mouth and I immediately fell to the ground.

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