Chapter 19. The Punchline

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I blinked and tried not to groan as I registered the throbbing in the back of my head. I'd never been knocked out by blunt force before, the movies don't really tell you how much it hurts. I decided that I preferred being knocked out by purple gas, and made a mental note to let them know.

My eyes finally focused in the dim lighting backstage, and I realized that my hands and feet were bound to the chair I was in. Jerome's voice was booming through speakers somewhere outside the curtain and I could hear the audience gasping. My breathing sped up as I realized I was too late. The plan had rolled into action while I was unconscious!

I had to put the stress of what Jerome and Gallavan intended to do with me aside and focus on trying to stop them from hurting Bruce Wayne. I tried to slow my breathing down and avoid panicking, I needed to listen. If Jerome hadn't revealed himself yet, then there might still be time to warn someone.

That hope disentigrated though as I heard a gunshot, followed by screams and Jerome's deranged laughter. Clearly, the sinister part of his show had begun. I looked around frantically for something to help me cut the rope. But the only things backstage were old crates and bundles of wires and extension cords. I strained against the rope binding my wrists, and found that whoever had done it must have been in a hurry. It was loose. I began quickly pulling and struggling against it, and felt it loosen even more. When I finally pulled my hands free I moved to untie my feet.

My fingers shook with fear and adrenaline as I prayed silently that no one came to check on me before I freed myself. With one final tug my legs were free and I lurched to my feet ready to run.

The curtain rippled and the last person I wanted to see walked in. Jerome's eyes widened in alarm as he realized I had gotten out, and then he dove at me. I tried to run but he pinned me against the wall before I could make it to a door.

I shoved against him, "Get away from me! Don't touch me."

He grabbed my wrists to stop me from hitting him, "God you're a slippery one. It's a good thing Barbara didn't need me for this act or else you might have ruined the show."

"Jerome you don't have to do this."

He raised his eyebrows, "Because backing out worked so well for you?"

"If we leave now, we can be gone before Gallavan even notices. We don't have to listen to him anymore! You know he's using us, he doesn't care what happens to us.. What... what happens to you."

Jerome's grip relaxed and his eyes softened as he took in what I said, "And... you do?" For once the confused look on his face seemed almost innocent. I felt my face turn red, as I slowly nodded. And I was shocked to see blush turning his cheeks faintly pink.

And then he was kissing me again and I forgot all about where we were and what I needed to do for a moment. His lips moved against mine and I could taste his breath as his hands moved to my hair. He pressed me harder against the wall as his mouth parted mine and I felt his tongue slip into my mouth, and a soft noise escaped him.

Then he pulled away to look at me and the spell broke. As much as I wanted to stay with him I knew what I had to do, and I knew I wouldn't get another chance.

"I'm sorry," I said as I kneed him between the legs, and he immediately crumbled to the ground.

"Get back here!" He cried out angrily as I bolted down a hallway towards the ballroom. My head whipped around as I ran to check if he was following me, but there was no sign of him. As I started to turn back to see where I was running, I crashed straight into someone.

I nearly knocked him over, but he managed to remain on his feet. I was out of breath, "Please you have to help me, they're going to-"

"-Kill Bruce Wayne, we know, he announced it ten minutes ago," The man had short dark hair and a serious face, that looked at me with concern. I could hear Jerome saying something over the microphone in the background.

"Where is he? Did you get him somewhere safe?!" I noticed for the first time that he was holding a gun.

The man looked stressed out, "Not exactly, but we have a plan. Now you need to get out of here, go hide."


"Go!" He lunged forward through the curtain and gunfire shattered the silence.

I stumbled after him and ducked behind a table to watch, as Jerome held a knife to Bruce's throat with two guns aimed at him. I covered my mouth to keep from crying out as I realized that no matter how this ended, one of them was going to die.

Jerome cackled at the situation, until Gallavan of all people stood up behind him, "I said enough."

I was so confused for a second I forgot to be afraid. This wasn't the plan, was it? And then before anyone realized what was happening, Gallavan stabbed Jerome in the throat.

This time I couldn't stop myself from crying out, I lunged forward and tripped over a chair as tears streamed from my eyes. As Gallavan stood over Jerome's crumpled form, Barbara fled the stage and the cops ran after her. In all the commotion no one noticed me falling to pieces near the door.

Then a hand yanked me roughly back into the hallway, and I blinked through my tears to see Tabitha pointing a gun at me. I didn't even feel afraid anymore, just angry overshadowed by a tsunami of grief. I knew what would happen next. I knew too much. I just wanted it to be over, so I shut my eyes as I heard the gun fire.

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