Chapter 8. Making Headlines

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"PeRfecT! Next-" Jerome grinned from his seat on edge of the building. I stayed back against the roof entrance. I actually have an awful fear of heights, and I couldn't stand the thought of sitting on the edge of a building this high. But I sure as hell wasn't about to tell Jerome that. I rocked on my feet impatiently as another victim fell screaming into the streets below. In my line of work it isn't uncommon for some unlucky fellow to get killed. So I wouldn't normally be that bothered by it. However this particular method struck a certain chord with me and I tried to distract my thoughts.

Greenwood laughed and shoved the next guy forward as Jerome drawled "Mr. X!" Aaron tossed the guy up on the ledge and was about to shove him off when Jerome stopped him. "Ehm! A little to the right?" Aaron slid the man over. "Ehkay thats the spot!" Jerome was really enjoying getting to boss these guys around. I looked up at the sky focusing on the clouds as the man screeched the whole way down. Jerome grinned giddily as the screams of citizens below rose up to us, "PerrrfecT!" 

Dobkins giggled and then asked "What shall we do with the... uh, spare?" Jerome twisted in his seat and made a face of concentration.

 "OOH! I know." His face lit up theatrically and he slid over to the final victim.

He sprayed an exclamation point on the man before tossing the can aside and grinning, "Aaron? Would you kindly?" Aaron walked over and tossed off the last man. Dobkins clapped and they all leaned over the ledge to examine their good work smiling. 

"Maaniaacss" Aaron slowly sounded out the word. 

"Now that's a headline!" Jerome cackled just like the maniac he was.

Now that the crazies had finished up it was my job to get us out of here. I could see Tabitha watching from the building to our right. She was acting as lookout and the van should be waiting at the back door. 

"Jerome!" I unwillingly caught his attention as he spun around to look at me with sudden interest. "We have to go, Galavan said we'd have two minutes to get to the van before the GCPD shows." 

"Fine, fine. Come on fellas, you heard the woman! fall out!" He marched towards the door dramatically, winking at me as he passed. The others followed behind him and I did my best to hurry them down the building and out the stupid door. We all ran to the van as sirens rang out in the distance. And I was once again in the back with loony.

Determined not to make the same mistakes from earlier, I sat normal on the seat. But I still avoided eye contact with you know who. "What's the matter Eden?" Jerome scooted over and plopped down right next to me. 

I looked up and answered too fast, "Nothing." Damn it, that sounded way too defensive. He grinned, knowing he had caught me at something. 

Then he made a face of mock concern, "If I didn't know any better. I would say you look scared." Jerome said as though the idea itself was preposterous. I said nothing, staring at the back of Aaron's seat. He leaned closer so that only I would hear him this time, "Ya know honey, I noticed back on the roof you seemed a little...antsy. Sticking to that wall like a fly caught in a spider web, you wouldn't happen to have a fear of say.. I don't know, heights?" I gulped. 

"No." I said flatly. 

Jerome laughed, "You DO! Don't you!" He was cracking up now. "Tough little miss I'M not afraid of anything fears something as stupid and common as HEIGHTS all along? Who would've guessed?"

I glared at him. "Are you finished yet?" He smiled mischievously, "With the heights thing? Maybe. With bugging you? Hell no." I decided to resort to the last defense I had. Silent treatment... again. I stared ahead ignoring him. 

"It's okay Eden, everyone is afraid of something." 

I couldn't help it, "Really? What are you afraid of then?" I challenged him, crossing my arms irritated. 

His face suddenly went serious and his stare became intense as he spoke in a low voice, "Not getting what I want."

Yeah I wasn't really expecting that one. His look was almost frightening and I didn't dare say anything. Then suddenly his face broke out into another one of his giddy smiles and he booped me on the nose with his finger, "Don't worry sweetheart, your secret's safe with me." Then he lied his head back down on my lap and went to sleep. Huh.  Bipolar much? What had I gotten myself into this time?...


Thanks for all the votes and comments! It makes me so happy to hear from you guys, you have no idea. Love all you nerds <3


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