Chapter 2. Arkham Asylum

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I tried to blend in and not catch anyone's attention as I walked into the Gotham police department. I had the letter in the one remaining pocket of my ripped up jeans. But there was one itsy bitsy problem. I had never met with an Officer Granite before. I knew plenty of the GCPD, I mean in my line of work you end up in here a lot. But this particular man was not one that I knew where to find. I couldn't stand around looking lost so I headed towards a hallway on the other side of the room. But as I rounded the corner I skidded to a halt before I could collide with somebody else in a hurry.

"Sorry!" I automatically exclaimed looking up to see who it was. Before me was a rather tall, and peculiar looking man in glasses. 

He smiled widely, "That's alright, can I help you with something Miss?" He asked politely.

I thought about it for a second, he didn't seem like the kind who would throw me out. So I answered, "Actually yeah, that'd be nice. My name is Eden Loft, and I'm looking for Officer Granite. Do you know where I could find him by any chance?" 

The man grinned, "Ed Nygma, pleasure to meet you Miss Loft. Now tell me, which side of a cat has the most fur?" 

Wait what??? I couldn't have been more confused. "Umm, excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"It's a riddle! You're supposed to solve it for the answer." Mr. Nygma sounded rather thrilled.

"Oh, ummm." I thought for a minute. But didn't really have a clue which side of a cat had the most fur. 

"Do you give up?!" He asked. 

"Yeah I guess." I replied, hoping he would just tell me already. 

"It's the outside. Granite is outside, just leaving." Nygma smiled happily. 

"He's what?!" I whipped back around and practically ran to the parking lot. But I was too late, I spotted a car pulling out of the parking lot right as I stepped out the door. Dang, if that guy had just told me.. Whatever, I walked back inside to find Mr. Nygma. 

"I missed him. Do you know where he was going?" I asked. 

His eyebrows furrowed, "Hmmm, I believe he was running down to Arkham to meet with someone." 

"Arkham.. Asylum?" I grumbled, even though I knew the answer. 

"Yup! That's the one!" Mr. Nygma said before turning back to continue with his work. I sighed and grumbled to myself as I exited the building yet again. This new complication was annoying, but just that-a complication. I could still get it to Granite in time.

I took a deep breath as I walked down the street, "It looks like I'm going to Arkham."


Hi guys! Get excited because the character you've been waiting for is about to enter!(finally) Strangely I'm very excited-even though I am the one writing it. Whatever! here we go:


I rode most of the way to Arkham by hitching a ride on the back of a semi-truck that was headed in the correct direction. I had to hold onto the little iron handles tightly with my feet balanced on the little step that was made to hold a ramp in place to unload things. But I didn't really mind. It was kind of nice actually. The wind was refreshing and just warm enough not to make me cold. And to be honest even if at times it.. well sucked- I love Gotham. It was the only place I'd ever lived and I would never want to leave. Winding through the dusty roads and twisting alleys calmed me. But I wasn't particularly nervous to begin with. After all I had been to the asylum before. They had a cafeteria that was easy to slip into with the other friends and family of the patients there. So whenever supplies were running real low, I'd run up here to steal food for myself and any other kids who asked.

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