Chapter 17. Carried Away

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Jerome held the small of my back in one hand, and held my hand in the other as we twirled amongst the party goers. I wouldn't have expected to enjoy dancing, but with Jerome I was actually liking it. He seemed to be having fun too, he was smiling to himself before he caught me staring.

"What's the matter? Are you fantasizing about me again?"

"No! And what do you mean again?!" I scoffed. He always was brilliant at ruining a moment. Jerome smirked as he shrugged his shoulders and ignored my question.

"I was just surprised. That's only the second smile I've seen of yours that wasn't either teasing or deranged," I retorted.

His smile vanished and his eyes narrowed, "You know sweetheart, you just keep pushing your luck. One of these times it's going to catch up with you."

My heart raced at the sudden intensity of his gaze, but I didn't show it, "Maybe if you'd stop being so irritating I wouldn't feel the need to."

Jerome pointed to himself with a shocked expression.

I nodded, stifling a laugh.

"I still don't get why I haven't been told the rest of the plan for tonight," I changed the subject. It had been very irritating to be excluded from the planning, and being out of the loop made me feel unprepared and vulnerable.

The only explanation Galavan had offered was that the plan had to be kept top secret in order to work and that he didn't want details revealed to anyone that didn't absolutely need them. He reassured me that I didn't play any major role in the operation, my orders were simply to observe and report anything/anyone that might interfere or complicate things. However, it wasn't easy to keep an eye out for potential threats to a plan that I wasn't in on.

Jerome avoided making eye contact with me, and ignored my complaint.

"Hey," I said loudly, stretching taller to force eye contact, "Why won't you tell me what you're going to do?"

"It's above your pay grade," he said snidely.

"I'm not getting paid!"

"Yeah that's why it doesn't take much to be above your pay grade," He grinned, trying to sidetrack me with his teasing. I glared at him, and his smile dissolved.

"Look sweetheart, your security clearance is up to Galavan, not me. Now if you'll keep your pretty lips zipped for five seconds, I need to concentrate on waiting for the signal," His bright eyes began to scan the front of the room.

I turned around to try and see what he was watching for, but I didn't find anything out of place. The music still played, the chandeliers still dangled brightly and lavishly dressed patrons still danced and chatted politely. So I turned back to face Jerome.

His green eyes continued to search, his sharp jaw locked in concentration. I found my own eyes tracing his face. It was strange to see him dressed so nicely in the crisp suit, it complimented his features nicely. I felt heat rush to face as I realized he looked... handsome.

I shook myself out of that train of thought before he could notice the color of my cheeks. I tried not to be so conscious of his hands around my waist, but suddenly it seemed impossible not to be. I felt silly. I glanced up to make sure he hadn't taken notice of me.

Suddenly Jerome froze and cursed loudly.

My heart jumped in my chest, "What?! What's wrong?"

"That man over there is a cop, Galavan didn't think any members of the GCPD had been invited. He might recognize me," Jerome hissed.

"Go hide or something!" I hissed back.

"There's no time! He's already headed in this direction," I could see the wheels frantically turning in his head.

"Well do something!" I could feel the panic surging through me.

Jerome's gaze quickly snapped to the man and back to me and his plan clicked. He yanked me against his chest and with his other hand held my face as he began to kiss me passionately. His soft lips pressed into mine urgently and he whispered, "Play along."

But I didn't have to, I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into the kiss. I felt fire burn through my veins and spark in my chest. His mouth moved urgently against mine and as my lips parted I tasted his mouth and felt dizzy. I felt his teeth gently bite my bottom lip, and I was sure I was melting.

And then suddenly it was over. The cop had passed and the kiss had ended and I was still pressed against him with my arms too tightly around his neck. His eyes were bright and excited and his face slightly pink, we were both panting slightly. I eased my hold on him and slid back to the distance we had when we were only dancing.

For perhaps the first time since I had met Jerome, he didn't seem to know what to say. He stared at me with an awed expression, as though he was seeing me for the first time. He still hadn't said a word.

"Perhaps I got a bit... carried away," I finally breathed, his gaze was beginning to make me feel nervous.

The mischievous smile that I loved lit up his face, "I didn't mind at all."

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