Chapter 6. Getting Acquainted

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So there I was in a room full of escaped convicts in Theo Galavan's penthouse. Once Theo had finished his little introduction and all they unstrapped us and showed us where we would be staying. The building was huge and Theo Galavan seemed to have no shortage of guest rooms, he could probably start a hotel. Currently we were all hanging around in the living room. Theo was explaining his plan to the boys. Apparently he wanted them to catch the publics eye, and make big headlines or whatever. So from what I could hear they were going to throw people off a building. Fun. 

I was standing in the corner behind the couch that Barbara sat on. Thankfully we no longer were wearing our inmate uniforms. Theo had a servant of some sort go out to find us some less conspicuous clothes. Because I had a quick word with the servant before they left, I now stood in clothes not much different from the ones I owned. The only difference being that these were much newer. The men however still stood in their stripes. Theo thought that the prisoner clothes "added to their effect," and so they were told not to change just yet. Barbara seemed bored as she watched them, Jerome seemed thrilled. I had been trying to observe the other inmates, to see who might be a threat. From what I'd gathered I believe the large creepy one was named Greenwood(definitely avoid), the big muscly dude was Aaron, and the skinny, dazed looking one was Dobkins.

The guys seemed to be getting even more excited and they talked amongst themselves as Theo stepped away and approached me. I was a bit taken aback, I hadn't been anticipating him singling me out to talk to. But there he was. He stopped in front of me, but I remained in my position leaning against the wall staring at him speculatively. 

"Eden, my apologies for the confusion. I've been meaning to speak with you privately about your role in all of this." Now I was really confused. 

"How do you know my name? I never told you." I demanded. 

"Well Eden, we actually know a lot about you. You see we've been looking for valuable assets like yourself to recruit, and you've been getting your name around working for the bigger fish in Gotham." Theo explained. 

"So then you know that I'm not some asylum inmate. What role would you expect me to play in this chaos?" I wasn't sure I wanted to hear his answer.

"That is exactly it Eden. You are the only one in there that recognizes chaos. We need someone to control that chaos, and we know that you're smart. You learned a lot growing up on your own out there. This team could really use that kind of logic and strategy. You won't be thrown out into the spotlight with them, you'll be hiding in the shadows secretly orchestrating the whole thing." I nodded, it was starting to make a bit more sense I suppose. 

"With all due respect Mr. Galavan, I'm not an idiot. Those lunatics might not be able to see that you're using them but I can. And I have no interest in being another pawn you throw away afterwards." I narrowed my eyes, waiting to see how he would react to my response.

Galavan smiled, "Smart girl. Yes of course we've thought about that. We knew you wouldn't want to get involved if there was nothing in it for you, but you can see that there is. I know you see it. This is an opportunity. It's your chance to stop doing the dirty work for scum like Cobblepot and start making a real place for yourself in Gotham. It's time for you to start moving up. Wouldn't you agree?" Theo paused, waiting for my response. 

I stared at the window over his shoulder thinking. I didn't really trust the guy. But then again I hardly ever trusted the people I work with. And this could be my chance for a little promotion. "Fine. I'll stay, but I can't guarantee I won't take off the second one of the crazies tries to stab me or something." I growled the last part under my breath and Galavan chuckled as he walked away. 

"I'm glad to hear that we see eye to eye Eden, very glad."


I have some super exciting stuff planned for this story. As soon as I have time to write it all down I'll update it again. Thanks for reading<3


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