Chapter 12. Oh No (Part 2)

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I haven't been able to get online in so long! Many updates to come, I hope there are still those of you waiting to read them :)


Jerome was only a few seats away and I was slowly growing more and more anxious. Then a thought struck me that I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of earlier. I remembered that Jerome wasn't supposed to chain me like all the other students, he was supposed to take me with them as a hostage. But knowing Jerome he was going to want to put on a show. So there would have to be a reason for him taking me hostage. And I had no idea what that reason could possibly be. And I don't at all like the idea of Jerome improvising.

Luke saw the nervous look on my face and must have thought I was afraid for my own life. He squeezed my hand and looked into my eyes, "It's okay Eden. Nothing bad is going to happen to you."

Oh that made it worse. It's not me that I'm worried about. He smiled reassuringly and I tried to return it feebly.

Jerome was saying something about choosing the bus over some old people or something. I wasn't really listening to the words so much as the sound of his voice drawing closer.

Jerome finished his sentence just as he reached our seat. I quickly pulled my hand from Luke's as I realized how that would look. But it was too late. Jerome saw, and his glare hardened, but before he could do anything Luke stepped into the aisle in front of him.

And to think I thought the situation couldn't be any worse.

Jerome's look went from icy to murderous as Luke stood facing him.

"I don't know what it is you're doing here, but I'm not going to sit by and let it happen," Luke's face seemed to harden into stone. I couldn't help but admire his bravery for the moment, even if it was going to get him killed any second now.

Jerome's glare broke into a psychotic grin at the boy in front of him. And he began to laugh hysterically.

"Well would you look at this! The little string bean thinks he's some kind of hero." Jerome's mocking tone dropped to a serious and threatening voice as he spoke.

Now Jerome looked dangerously calm as he spoke in a low whisper, "Well I'll show you what we think of heroes kid-"

It was right then that we heard the sirens pull around the corner. The police had finally caught up to the situation.

Greenwood called out from the front of the bus, "Time to go!"

Jerome looked angry that he had ran out of time to make an example of Luke, so instead he knocked him out with the gun in his hand.

I breathed a sigh of relief, at the very least I wouldn't have to watch anything happen to Luke. Maybe he still had a chance of making it out of here.

Jerome stared down at Luke's limp figure menacingly, "Only because I'm saving these bullets for Jimmy."

He then turned to me with a grin, "Hiya princess, looks like it's your lucky day!" He grabbed me by the arm and yanked me to my feet. "You're coming with us."

Jerome dragged me with him back to the front of the bus and then handed me to Greenwood(Gross.). Then for his little audience he yelled out "Give me an 'O'!'

When no one responded he smiled apathetically and fired a single shot into the roof.

The kids screamed as he repeated, "I SAID give me an 'O'!"

This time they all chorused back "O!" with shaking voices.

"Give me an 'N'!"


"Give me anOTHER 'O'!"


Jeromes smiled sinisterly, "What does that spell?"


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