Chapter 5. "Imagine the Impact"

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My head felt heavy. Like my neck had been replaced with a pool noodle as my senses slowly came back one by one. First I began to feel the bindings holding me up against cool metal. Then I began to hear the sounds of several other people stirring before my eyelids finally fluttered open. I was lined up along with the six inmates that had been at Barbara's table. Now that I had come to my senses I was quickly examining my surroundings. We appeared to be in one of the top floors of a tall building overlooking Gotham. The windows wrapped around the majority of the room. Jerome was to my right, just now lifting his head. And next to my left shoulder the thin little confused man was looking around curiously.

"What the hell is this place?" The creepy guy called out about two places to the side of Jerome. 

Jerome stared ahead in deep thought, "It ain't Arkham anyhow." He glanced over to look at me before continuing, "Things are looking up." With a wide grin. Before I had a chance to respond a man walked in through the door. He had dark hair, and wore an expensive looking suit. 

"Welcome everyone." He said. "My name is Theo Galavan, this is my sister; Tabitha." A dark haired girl dressed in black leather strolled behind him brandishing a whip. The inmates began shouting things and Theo waved his hands to quiet them.

"I understand that you're feeling confused, scared... a little groggy... but please relax." Mr Galavan said as he walked along the line of prisoners. "Today is the first day, of a wonderful future for all of you.. If you want it." I immediately perked up to focus. I did NOT want any part of my future to be tangled with these wack jobs. 

"Who are you?" Barbara interrupted. 

Galavan stopped next to Jerome, "Well now the question is who are you." He's good, easily dodging the question and redirecting the conversation. "The world sees criminal lunatics." Jerome blinked. "I see brilliance. I see charisma. and power. I see power." He continued walking only to stop in front of Barbara. I watched nervously as Jerome's eyes followed Galavan with admiration. And I wondered what exactly I had gotten myself into.

"Yes!" I was surprised to hear Jerome speak up loudly from beside me. "Exactly my man. Oh that is so spooky." He said chuckling. "That is me to a T. These other bozos.." He went on glancing towards the short creepy one. "Oh I don't know.. but, you're singing my song." Jerome smiled like a crocodile about to be fed. 

"Quiet Jerome!" The man in glasses shouted. Galavan's attention turned to him as I stopped listening. I looked up at Jerome worried, and he looked down into my eyes. 

"This is a mistake. I am NOT supposed to be here." I whispered. 

"Don't do it Eden. Keep those pretty lips zipped I'm telling you." Jerome whispered back as Galavan mentioned something about bringing together a "brilliant group of outlaws." "All working together as a team. Imagine the synergy. Imagine the impact!" Galavan was really getting into his speech now.

He paused in front of me now. "Gotham would tremble before you." But then Barbara piped up from her side of the room. 

"Well, that sounds fabulous but I am not a brilliant outlaw. I just have... issues." Galavan walked up to her slowly. 

"You have ferocity, beauty, and desire. That is enough. Come with me Barbara. Whatever you want, it's yours." I felt the urge to explain that I was in fact NOT a lunatic Arkham patient yet again, but Jerome gave me a warning glance again as a man said something else to Galavan.

I wasn't really paying attention as the man turned down Galavan's offer. Me and Jerome were having a sort of mind conversation. Only while I was attempting to reason, his look was just telling me to shut up. 

But I looked up as I heard Theo call out "You'll have to go. Tabitha will see you out." The man spoke of Barbara coming with him as he strode towards her. How stupid, even I could see Tabitha straightening up with her whip behind him. "Oh, she doesn't want to go where you're going." Galavan said as his sister cracked her whip around the man's neck and yanked him to the floor. I squeezed my eyes shut as blood splattered the stripes on my dress as Tabitha tore him to pieces on the floor. Jerome was laughing as though it was the funniest joke he'd ever heard, and the creepy one smiled sadistically.

"Anyone else want to leave?" Theo asked as everyone quieted back down. No one said anything. Jerome looked over at me as if to say "I told you so." I made a face and then looked away from his smug little grin. No way was I going to be allowed to just walk out of here. No I was being drafted into a team of killer crazy prisoners. Joy.


I will try and get another update in tomorrow night. If you like it-leave a comment or a like or something. It really does give me motivation to update faster! Love you all! I'm going to sleep now <3 Goodnight


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