Chapter 9. Why isn't knocking a thing anymore?

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I woke up in the silk trimmed room worthy of a wall street CEO. Lying there in the squishy covers, I couldn't help but enjoy the luxury of having my own room for once. Hell I've never even had a real bed. I checked the clock on the wooden bedside table, it was about ten in the morning. I was surprised they had let me sleep in so late. I guess Theo must have been happy with our job yesterday. In fact I could hear voices down the stairs. It sounded like Galavan was giving another one of his big old speeches. Probably feeding the guys some more BS to trick them into doing his work for him. But whatever. I mean it's Gotham-those who did their own dirty work were in extremely short supply. I yawned and decided not to go down just yet. Instead I slipped over to the bedroom-adjoining bathroom to shower and get dressed. Like I said-I wasn't used to this level of luxury in the slightest.

After I pulled back my wet hair into a french braid I went back to sit on my bed and think. A lot had happened in these past few days. Selina and Ivy probably assumed I was dead by now. A slight tinge of annoyance struck my thoughts as I realized Cobblepot had never paid me. Not that it really mattered anymore, but the idea of it still ticked me off. But my train of thought was interrupted by a loud knock on my door.

The door swung open before I could answer, of course it was Jerome. 

He was wearing some kinda silky, expensive looking maroon robe(probably curtesy of Galavan). "What do you want?" I sighed. 

"No need to sound so worried dollface, I just came to talk." Jerome smiled and sat down beside me on the bed. 

"What did I say about the sweetheart and the dollface and all that?"

"Right, right. No names, whatever you say darling." He said and I rolled my eyes. 

"Was there an actual point of you coming in here? Besides being as annoying as humanly possible?" I raised my eyebrows doubtfully. 

"Actually yes! In fact I'm here on business. Galavan wants me to explain your role in the next plan." Jerome smiled like he knew something I didn't. 

"The stolen gas truck? I thought I wasn't going to be involved in this one." This didn't sound too good. 

"Yeahhhh, well about that. We decided that just to be safe we should take a hostage from the school bus. Only thing is all those kids have got parents and detectives and all that jazz that would be lookin for 'em once they're gone. YOU however, do not. Are you starting to see where I'm goin with this?" He laughed. 

"You want me to play a hostage?" I almost gagged, but Jerome nodded. "Have you seen my acting skills? And of all things to play--a cheerleader in distress--you've got to be joking." 

He laughed at that response. "Funny you'd say that as I usually am joking, lucky for you this is the one time I'm DEAD serious." I couldn't stand how much he was enjoying this. It was right then that Jerome leaned towards me and slung his arm around my shoulders. 

"Just picture it Eden! You. Me. A truck full of gasoline. Striking fear into the hearts of Gotham!" He waved his other hand in the air as if painting a picture. 

For some reason I was hyper aware of his arm around me. Like everywhere he touched me was being charged with static electricity. I didn't want to think about why. "Pass. Hard pass." I shoved him off with one arm and stood up. 

Jerome stood up after me laughing again, "Funny, you seem to think that you have a choice." His face was now serious in an "I dare you to disagree" type of way. 

"Maybe YOU guys don't have a say in much around here, but I however am not just another pawn in Galavan's pocket." I took a step closer to him, my eyes narrowing. 

"And what's that supposed to mean?" He arched an eyebrow inches from my face. 

"He is using you. And when he's done he'll throw you away." 

Jerome smiled devilishly, "You think I don't know that sweetheart? I'm not an idiot Eden. And I am definitely not a pawn. I'm playing Galavan's little game for now because it's beneficial to me. I'm building a name for myself, gaining a reputation using his money and resources. And when he's "done with me" he's going to have a hell of a time trying to throw away Jerome Valeska!" At this he began to cackle hysterically.

Now he had me interested, I couldn't help but wonder what he intended to do after that, or how. "And then what? You become another criminal in the streets? Gotham's got plenty of those, what's the point?" I didn't think it was possible but Jerome was somehow even closer by now.

"No of course not silly. I disappear." His eyes were shining excitedly. "Let them think I'm gone but really I'll be hiding right under their noses. One day I'm going to rule the crime of Gotham Eden. I'm going to show this city something they've never seen before. And I intend to do it with cunning and strategy as well as my natural sense of humor of course. What do you think, would you like to join me?"

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