Chapter Two

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The guards walk me and Finn into a Dropship. They start pushing me to a seat while they push Finn in another direction. "Finn?" I call out. He turns around right before he is forced to climb up the ladder. I struggle in the guard's grip. "No, Finn!" I wiggle my arms free and race towards the ladder. A guard tackles me to the ground, pinning down my arms with his knees. "Get off of me! I need to be with Finn!" I scream, still wiggling around. "That's it." The guard yells. He raises his arm and bends his elbow back. My eyes widen as his hand closes into a fist. He punches me, right below the eye. I can feel the skin split on my cheek bone and then pain seemed to explode throughout my face. I gasp and shut my eyes.

I feel arms under mine and I'm lifted up. I can't seem to get my feet underneath me, so my feet drag behind as they pull me to a seat. I am set down on my butt and my head leans back against the headrest. I keep my eyes closed, the pain in my face and in my head is too much. "That was kind of stupid." I groan and open my eyes to look at the person who spoke to me. It's a guy. He has brown hair that is pushed back, light blue eyes and a pointed nose. He looks to be about my age. "Hasn't anyone told you that it's rude to stare?" My eyes widen as he smirks at me like he caught me doing something I wasn't supposed to. I nod. "Once." I say, barely above a whisper. This guy I have never seen before is talking to me, and I am freaking out. What if I say something to piss him off, and he hates me? What if he hits me like the guard? Or worse?

I watch him extend his hand out to me. I smile proudly, I know what he wants. He wants a handshake. "I'm Murphy, John Murphy." I grab his hand and shake it. "Carter." He raises his dark eyebrows at me. "No last name?" He asks. I shake my head. "Not that I know of." He looks at me for a few seconds and opens his mouth to say something, but instead he is interrupted by the drop ship disconnecting from the Ark. My stomach drops to my toes as I grab onto the seat belts that are strapping me into the seat and close my eyes. A jolt shakes the ship, making me gasp and my eyes fly open. A crackling sound comes from somewhere and little TVs come on throughout the drop ship. Chancellor Jaha is on the screens, and I wrinkle my nose in disgust as he begins talking.

"Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance. As your chancellor, it is my hope that you see this is not a chance for you, but as a chance for all of us and indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the chances of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because you're expendable." I shake my head and stop listening. I hear Murphy chuckle next to me. "I guess you're not a big fan of the Chancellor either?" He asks, looking at me with amusement. I look him dead in the eye and speak with as much hate as I can, "Why would I be? He locked me up for nothing." I look ahead, not watching the TVs, but not looking at Murphy either. "Your dad's a dick Wells." My eyes widen as I hear the voice from the second level. Jaha sent his own son to die? Laughter erupts from the dropship.

A sudden jerk of the dropship causes people to scream and the lights to flicker. I hear a crash that sounded from the seconded level. Another sharp movement cause my butt to come off the seat, only for the seat belts to be dug into my shoulders. I wince and grab onto the restraints. "What the hell was that?" Murphy yells over the other people and the crashing from the ship. "I don't know." I yell back. The ship continues to shake as sparks come raining down on us. The lights flicker on and off a couple of times. With one last crash, the sound of the engines powering down filled the air. Then silence. That is something I have never heard before, complete silence.

A click sounded, and everyone began unbuckling their seat belts. I followed suit and got up. As people ran for the door, they bumped into me causing me to lose my balance. I fall onto something warm and soft and feel something grab me on my waist. I look up to see Murphy smirking and holding me as everyone ran passed us. "You okay there, shorty?" I nodded, not paying attention to his comment after. He lets go of me and pushes through the people to get up to the front. I follow behind him. There is a guard up front, telling everyone to stay back. His back is to me as he reaches for the lever to open the door.

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