Chapter Twenty

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I slump back into the tent, tiredness resonating in every one of my bones and muscles. My eyelids are droopy as I set my bow and arrows down as quietly as possible in the dark tent. I fling off my shirt, kick off my boots, and shimmy out of my pants. I crawl over Bellamy's still sleeping body and sigh as I pull the blankets up to my chin, too tired to even bother putting on one of his shirts. "That tired, huh?" I hear Bellamy say in the darkness. I've been on watch since noon yesterday with only a few couple minutes breaks, and to say I'm exhausted is a major understatement. "Yeah, so don't try any funny business." I say, pulling the blankets tighter around my exposed body. I feel the bed shift, and I open my closed eyes to see Bellamy's silhouette in the darkness. "Like what?" He asks, and I can here the suggestiveness in his voice.

I roll my eyes. "I'm getting some sleep." I say, rolling over so my back is to him. He sighs, and the bed shifts again. "Where are you going?" I ask without turning around. "To the wall." He says, and I roll over onto my other side so I can look in his general direction. It's been a couple of days since we bombed the bridge, and I can feel how tense everyone is. Especially Bellamy. Something soft lands on my head. "Put this on, just in case someone walks in here." He says, and I silently thank him as I pull the shirt over my head. "Bellamy." I call out when I hear the flap of the tent open. "Yeah?" He answers, and I give a soft smile even though I know he can't see it in the darkness. "Be careful out there." I say and roll onto my back. "Sure thing, Princess." He says, and I shake my head and close my eyes, letting sleep take me quickly.


I spring into a sitting position as I hear people yelling and panic when I can smell smoke. I fling the blankets off of me and jump from the bed, running out of the tent with only socks on my feet and a t-shirt covering me to just above my knees. I see the small hut we made for preserving the meat up in flames, and my heart sinks to my chest. I gasp as I see Octavia come out of the hut, coughing harshly, and run over to her quickly. "Are you okay?" I ask as I begin to rub the younger girl's back, trying to sooth her as best as I can. She nods quickly, and I move her farther from the fire. "This is all your fault. We told you it was too much wood!" I watch as Murphy springs up from the ground and runs at a kid, pushing him closer to the fire. "Get the hell away from me!" The kid yells, pushing Murphy right back. Murphy punches him, and I get to my feet and put myself in between them.

"Enough!" I yell, glaring at Murphy and then at the kid. "Save it for the Grounders." Bellamy says, standing next to me. "What the hell happened?" I demand, looking between the two previously fighting boys. "Bell, now what the hell are we gonna do? That was all the food!" Octavia says before anyone could answer my question. Bellamy guides me further away from the fire, and I feel frustration burn within me as I watch the flames destroy our food. I rub my hands over my face. "So much for sleep." I say, and begin walking back towards the tent.

I get in and pick up my pants, shirt, and jacket from the floor. I sit down on the bed just as the flap of the tent opens again. I don't have to look to know that it's Bellamy. ""What are we gonna do?" I ask, pulling my pants up my legs, and rest my hands on my knees. I look up as Bellamy places his hands over mine while squatting down in front of me. "We'll have to hunt." He says, but he says it in a way that sounds like it's the worst idea in the world, and I can understand why. "Is it safe to do that?" I ask, letting my worry seep into my voice. "We can't starve ourselves." He says, and I nod. "Clarke went to go see what we have left in the Dropship.Hopefully it will be enough for a while." He says, standing up, and I nod, sighing.

"Maybe you should stay here. You look absolutely exhausted." Bellamy says, and I shake my head repeatedly. "No. I'm not gonna stay in here and sleep while everyone else is working to help save us." I say, standing up in front of him. A small smirk appears on his face. "It was worth a shot." He says, and I laugh slightly, rubbing another hand over my face. "Go and talk to Clarke. I'll be out as soon as I finish changing." I say, and a full blown smirk appears on his face. "You sure you don't want help with that?" He asks, and the heat rushes to my face as I push on his shoulders. "Get out of here, Blake." I say, trying to hide a smile. "Whatever you say, Griffin."

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