Chapter Ten

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I hear footsteps coming from the forest as I continue to watch the girl spin around in the rain. I breath out a sigh of relief when I see Finn come running out of forest and begin walking towards him, but I stop when he stops and stares past me. "Raven?" He says, sounding confused. He starts running and goes past me, towards girl that came down in the pod. "Finn!" She yells back and runs to him, meeting him halfway. Finn holds the girl, Raven, by her upper arms and she grabs his hands, bringing them to her face. They kiss. My mouth drops open as they continue kissing and I glance at Clarke, and I wish I hadn't. Clearly written on her face is hurt and sadness. Heart break.

Anger floods into my veins as I become protective over the blonde. Finn didn't even tell that he had a girlfriend waiting up on the Ark for him. That's why he was so angry at me for taking my wristband off. I glare at the side of Finn's head as the two continue to kiss.

I clear my throat, loudly, and they break apart. Finn throws me a slightly annoyed look and apologetic at the same time but doesn't even look at Clarke. "How did you even get here?" Finn asks, looking back to Raven. "You know that big scrap hold, the one on K Deck?" She says, with slight arrogance in her voice. They both turn their heads toward me and Clarke to look at the pod behind us. "You built that from scrap?" Finn asks, amazement or whatever in his voice. "I kind of rebuilt it." She says, totally bragging on herself. "Please, like that's hard. It just needed a couple parts and some love." She says as they look back at each other.

Within those few moments of listening to them talk, I have decided. Raven, not a fan. She seems like an arrogant girl who thinks that she is a gift to the human race. Not only that, but she has ruined the whole thing in between Finn and Clarke. Something just seems off about this girl. I don't trust her.

I narrow my eyes as they begin to whisper to each other and then start kissing again. "Okaaay." I say, clapping my hands together and attempting to push my anger down. For now. "As touching as this is, we have shit to do, and Raven needs to be fixed up, brought back to camp and filled in on the shitstorm that is our lives right now." I say, walking backwards so I am now standing next to Clarke. They break apart completely and I turn to look at Clarke as Raven stumbles into Finn. He makes her sit on a rock.

"Clarke." I say, gently breaking her from whatever trance she was in before. "You think you could fix her hear up?" I ask as the slightly taller blonde looks at me. She nods and goes through her pack, pulling out a cloth. Finn jogs over to us, and I can't keep the glare off my face as Clarke hands the cloth to him. "I'm sorry." He says, causing me to snort. He looks at me for a brief second, but I look away shaking my head and kick a rock that hits the pod with a loud clang, imagining that it was head. "Let's not talk about this." Clarke says, avoiding eye contact with him. "We've known each other our whole lives." Finn says, trying to explain himself. "Finn," I snap, interrupting him, "Just stop and help Raven." I growl, letting only a little of my anger out.

I may not like Raven, but I feel bad for her. Not only has she been dropped into the middle of this debacle, but her boyfriend cheated on her on Earth while she was stuck on the Ark. Finn has done a lot of stupid things in the time that I've known him, and I've always forgiven him for them, but this, breaking his unknowing girlfriend's heart and ripping Clarke's right out of her chest, I don't know if I can let this one go as easily.

"She needs pressure on her wound." Clarke says and starts walking towards the girl along side with Finn, and I trail behind them, fuming silently. We stand in a semicircle around the sitting girl, and Finn hands Raven the cloth. She breaths out, smiling up at Finn. "This is Clarke and Carter. They were on the Dropship too." He says, introducing us. I forcefully smile down at her, but she ignores me and stares at the blonde. "Clarke?" She asks and stands. "This was all because of your mom." She says, taking the rag from her head. "My mom?" Clarke asks, her shoulders sagging with her disbelief. "This was all her plan. We were trying to come down here together. If we waited..." Raven pauses as a realization comes to her.

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