Chapter Thirteen

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I hear the rain tinkling on the metal of the dropship as I grasp Finn's clammy hand in my own shaking one. "This is Raven Reyes calling Ark Station." Raven says for what feel like the thousandth time as thunder booms from the sky outside. I close my eyes and lean my forehead against the side of the table, letting the cold metal cool down my burning skin. I lift my head and watch as Clarke unwraps a cloth from around the protruding knife in Finn's side. I bite my lip as a smell emanates from the wound. I close my eyes again as I wait for my nausea to pass.

"This is a restricted channel. Who is this? Please identify yourself." My head snaps over to Raven's work table as my eyes fly open. Holy shit, she did it. "This is Raven Reyes. I'm from Mecha Station. I'm transmitting from the ground. The Hundred are alive. Please, you need to get Dr. Abby Griffin." Raven says as she looks over towards Finn and I, begging whoever is on the other side of the radio. "Dr. Abby Griffin. Now." She pleads into the radio.

I turn my head back towards Finn. "You hear that, Collins? Raven did it. She's made contact with the Ark." I say, squeezing his hand in both of mine. "She's gonna talk to Clarke's mom, and we are gonna get you all fixed up." I say, resting my head back on the side of the table. "You're gonna be okay." I whisper, squeezing his hand tighter.

A hand rests on my shoulder, and I sit back up and see Clarke. "Here we go." She says. I stand up, kicking the box I was sitting on out of the way, and let go of Finn's hand. "I'm gonna talk you through it step by step. Clarke, give five... to medical. Medic..." Dr. Griffin's voice cuts out as the dropship shakes slightly. "What? Raven, what's wrong?" Clarke asks, desperation rising in her voice. "It's not the radio. It's the storm." The mechanic answers, frustration and her own desperation making her voice crack.

Octavia wanders over, holding two containers of something and dripping wet. She hands one of the containers to Clarke who opens it and smells it. Whatever is inside causes her to recoil and wrinkle her nose. "Ugh. Monty's moonshine?" Clarke asks, making a face at the younger Blake. "Pretty sure no germ can survive it." The younger girl jokes, smiling at the obviously stressed out Clarke. Another clap of thunder causes me and Clarke to look at each other. "It's getting worse out there." I say, furrowing my eyebrows in worry. "Monroe, close the doors." Clarke orders the girl. "We still have people out there." She answers, gesturing towards the outside. "Monty and Jasper still aren't back yet. Neither is Bellamy." Octavia says, sounding worried. "What the hell are they doing out there?" I ask, my worry for those three idiots piling on to my worries for Finn. "It's all right. They'll find somewhere to ride it out." Clarke says, digging through some stuff. "Look. One suture needle." Raven says, handing said needle to Clarke. "Right. I still need something to close the wound." Clarke says, looking around the dropship for something. "There's some wire on the second level. I use it for tents." Octavia says, standing up. "Let's see it." Clarke says, nodding. "Stay away from the blue wires that run through the ceiling. I rigged it to the solar cells in the roof." Raven says as Octavia nods. "That means they're hot. You got that?" Raven asks, talking to her like she's an idiot.

"Raven!" I yell out, causing her to look at me. "You need to calm down. Taking out your frustration on everyone else isn't going to help the situation." I say, calmer this time. She shakes her head at me and looks to Clarke. "Tell me you can do this." She asks the blonde and sounds much calmer. "Hey, they're back." A girl calls out just as Bellamy walks in through the doorway. I quickly jog over to him, crossing the small distance in a second. "What the hell were you doing?" I ask, standing in front of him and blocking his escape from my wrath. When he doesn't answer, I lean slightly to look behind him and see that Jasper and Monty are carrying the Grounder from earlier.

My anger flares as my eyes widen. "Are you freaking stupid?" I ask, pointing to the Grounder. "Carter, get out of our way." Bellamy says, his voice deep and menacing. I all but growl as I take a step closer to him. "This little act of yours could get us all killed. He's a Grounder, and he has other Grounder friends that could come looking for him." I say, my voice deadly.

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