Chapter Twenty-One

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Bellamy and I walk together in silence, keeping our eyes peeled for any signs of my sister, Miles, and Finn. My shoulders sag as I think of Finn. We have barely talked to each other since the whole incident at the bridge. He seems all sorts of ready to forgive Clarke and be all buddy buddy with her, but he has been basically ignoring me and avoiding me since the ordeal, not that I've made much of an effort to talk to him either, but every time I've tried even just walking up to him, he turns to the person closest to him and begins talking to them, ignores me when I try to start a conversation, or just walks the other direction. I don't even know if he considers us friends anymore, and I might never even know because he is missing along with my twin sister and another one of the Hundred.

"Carter..." Bellamy trails off, yanking me from my thoughts. I just purse my lips, acting like I didn't hear him. I'm not ready to discuss this. I'm not ready for him to tell me what I've been too naive to see this entire time. I'm not ready for him to tell me I was just someone to keep his bed warm while he waited for someone better to come along. "Carter, can we please talk about what happened." He says, and it almost sounds like he's begging. "Bellamy, now is not the time or place to discuss this." I say, surprised that I keep my voice devoid of any emotion as I continue to scan the dark forest around me.

"Car..." Bellamy tries again, but I sigh and turn to face him. "Look, Bellamy." I say, his name coming out more harsh than I intend to, but I just keep going. "Three of our people are missing, one of those being my twin freaking sister, so I really don't think talking about something other than finding them in the middle of the Grounder infested forest in the dark is going to do any good." I say, glaring at his nose, not being brave enough to look him in the eyes.

Bellamy opens his mouth to say something, but Monty's voice over the walkie interrupts him. "I thought you said you were heading west. Where are you?" Bellamy sighs and hold the walkie up to his mouth. "Just keep the moon on your left, and you'll find us." He replies, sounding irritated at the interruption. "Can we please just focus on finding them?" I beg, trying not to let the tears building up in my eyes spill out.

Bellamy doesn't say anything, just nods, and we continue walking towards the rondevu point to meet Raven, Octavia and Monty. "Is anyone else hearing this signal?" Monty's voice sounds like a weird mixture of excitement and anxiety. "Just keep your eyes open." Raven replies back, and I feel myself stiffen at her voice but keep walking anyway. "I think it's the same thing we heard on the black box." Monty says, sounding way too distracted to be keeping an eye out for Grounders or our friends. "Damn it, Monty. Pay attention." Bellamy says into the walkie, apparently feeling the same way I do. "Do you see anything?" He asks, and I stop walking to be able to hear Monty's reply better as Bellamy stops next to me.

Monty doesn't answer, and I share a worried look with Bellamy. "Report." Bellamy says, now sounding more worried than annoyed. There's a squeal like noise from the walkie, causing me to wince, and the worried look on Bellamy's face doesn't give me any comfort. "There's someone in the bushes." Raven says, and Bellamy nods towards the direction her and Octavia were heading, and I start walking that way. We walk in almost complete silence, and within seconds we are standing next to Raven and Octavia. "Miles!" I hear Octavia exclaim and take a look at the person on the ground.

Miles as two arrows sticking out of him. One in the shoulder, and the other from the knee. "What happened?" The younger blake asks, moving more parts of the bush off the boy. "Where are they?" Raven asks gently, surprising me slightly. I've never hear her speak so softly to anyone before. "Clarke and Finn, where are they?" Raven asks, sounding more desperate with each word. "Grounders took them." He barely gets out, sounding like it's taking too much effort to speak. "Take it easy." Bellamy says from next to me, and I kneel down in front of the guy. "Miles, we are gonna get you out of here right now." I say gently, placing a hand on his uninjured shoulder. "What about Clarke and Finn?" Octavia asks, sounding almost shocked.

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