Chapter Seventeen

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After what feels like hours of awkwardly walking behind Finn and Clarke, my blonde twin decides to break the silence. "I'd love it if you were right about this, but did you ever considered that it might be a trap?" Clarke asks, and I think I liked the silence better. My anger towards Finn keeps building. First, he has the nerve to come up and tell that I shouldn't trust Bellamy. Then after lecturing me about trust, he goes behind my back and makes a meeting with the Grounders without even dropping a hint. I mean, I didn't expect him to announce it in front of the whole camp, but a whisper of something like "Hey, Imma 'bout to do something stupidly brave" would've been nice. And don't even get me started about the whole love triangle he has created. I may have forgiven him for the initial action, but even now, he keeps rubbing Clarke in an obviously pissed off Raven's face. Like now, he's told Clarke about this meeting, but something tells me he hasn't mentioned it to Raven.

"Yep, but since it's Unity Day, I've decided to have hope instead." Finn says, bringing me out of the rant I'm having inside my head. I watch as he steps off a fallen tree and cringe when he gasps in pain. "Hey, let me have a look at that." Clarke says, going all medical on Finn. I un-sling my back and quickly pull out an old ration bag before returning it to my back. I grasp the nuts in one first while using the other to pull my sweater sleeve over it, effectively hiding them from few.

I refocus on Finn and Clarke and try not to roll my eyes as Finn is looking at her like she hung the moon. "Seriously Finn, you're putting a lot of trust in a guy who stuck a knife in you." Clarke says, allowing Finn to pull his shirt back down. "And you're sounding more and more like Bellamy." Finn says, causing my anger to flare up again. "And what the hell is wrong with that?" I ask, closing the gap I created when Clarke was examining Finn's stab wound. Finn gives me a look with raised eyebrows. "I'm just trying to keep us alive." Clarke says, shaking her head slightly. "Yeah, and so is Bellamy." I mutter under my breath, and I know Finn hears it because he scoffs. "So am I." He says, zipping up his jacket again, and takes off walking again.

Clarke gives me a small nod before following. I un-clench my fist, allowing the handful of nuts to fall the floor with soft thuds. At least they're good for something. I break into a jog to quickly catch up to the other two. We continue the rest of our walk in complete silence, me occasionally dropping handful of the hallucinogenic nuts for Bellamy to follow . I notice the forest become lighter around us let the warmth of sun filtering through the trees heat up my chilly muscles. I notice a break in the trees and furrow my eyebrows when I see a person pacing back and forth across what seems to be a bridge. When we get close, a smile breaks out on my face as the person becomes recognizable.

"Octavia!" I yell, breaking out into a run onto the bridge. I envelope the girl into a hug. "I should've known you'd be apart of this." I whisper into the girl's ear. Soon after mine and Bellamy's little day trip, she told me all about how she got the whole camp high on what we thought were safe rations to help the Grounder escape.

We pull out of the hug as we both hear clumsy footsteps running towards us. Finn and Clarke break through the trees, and Clarke has an unreadable look on her face. "So that's how you set this up." She says as she looks at Octavia."You helped him escape, didn't you." Clarke says, not a time of questioning in her voice. "I trust him, Clarke." Octavia says, and from the tone of her voice, I decide that I can trust Lincoln. "There's a lot of that going around." Clarke says, casting a glance towards Finn. We hear rustling coming from the other end of the bridge. "Someone's coming." Finn says, making me roll my eyes. "Yeah, no duh." I mumble under my breath, clenching my fist to get ready for a fight. I relax when I see Lincoln come running out of the trees, and Octavia immediately runs towards him. I hear rustling coming from my left and turn my head to see Bellamy, Raven, and Jasper hiding behind a thing of bushes. If Raven really wanted to stay hidden, she should've taken off the freaking bright red jacket.

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