Chapter Five

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I wake up screaming, clutching my shirt over my racing heart. A cold sweat drips down the sides of my face and my back and causes my shirt to stick to my skin. I turn my head every which way, my eyes, wide with fear, dart around looking for for danger. I'm in camp. I let out a sigh of relief at the sight of the Dropship and the few people who are already up and about. Of course they are staring at me, but at least they aren't trying to kill me. I shudder as the memories of the dream come into my mind and close my eyes as I try to get it out.

I'm running through the forest. My feet are bare and I'm wearing the traditional Skybox grey shorts and gray long sleeve shirt. My dark brown hair is flying about as I turn my head from side to side, looking for the people who are chasing me.

I catch sight of someone running next to me, clothes heavy, thick, and dark. The person also turns their head, but I cannot see their face because it is hidden behind a mask. By the large build and tallness of the person, I am guessing that it s a man. I turn my head to look in front of me to see where I am going, but I am too late because I trip over something and am sent flying. I land face down on the ground.

Quickling getting to my hands and knees, I look around for the man who is chasing me. Not seeing him, I get to my feet and turn to look what I tripped over. I gasp as I see Jasper's dead body laying stomach down on the ground but with his head turned so his face is pointed at me, and a spear stuck in his back. I go to place a hand over my mouth but stop when I notice it is covered in blood. Jasper's blood. I turn to keep running, but stop as I notice a big pile of bodies. The rest of the Hundred are piled up in the middle of a clearing just ahead. I walk closer to it. I gasp as I see Clarke's wavy blonde hair at the bottom of the pile with Finn holding her dead hand in his own. I see Monty's body closer to the top with Octavia's near him. They all have spears sticking out of some part of their body. I hear a groan from the top of the pile. With a second of hesitation, I begin climbing the dead bodies of my people and reach the top. Bellamy is there with a spear in his stomach and blood gushing from the wound. He lets out another groan. He's still alive.

"Bellamy!" I say. I grab his arm and we both go sliding down the pile of dead bodies. I rest him on his back and place my hands on the spear and pull. The blood starts rushing out of his already pale body faster. I place my hands over the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, but his blood just seeps through my fingers. "Carter." He groans. I look to his face and tears build up in my eyes. "Bellamy, don't talk." I say, brushing my blood covered hand through his hair. "You could've helped us." He says. My eyes grow wide and I stop my hand in mid air. "Why didn't you save us?" His voice becomes louder. "Why didn't you save us?" The pile of dead bodies begin to chant the question with him. I stand up and begin to back away, my body shaking with fear.

I turn to run, but bump into Jasper, who still has the spear sticking out of him. "Why didn't you save us?" His voice joins in with the rest. I try to run but trip over another dead body and scream as I see Matthew's face come into my vision. "Why didn't you save us?" His arms hold me down as the bodies of the Hundred form a circle around us. I start thrashing, but can't get out of his grip. The chorus of moans grew louder and louder as some began to scream at me. "Why didn't you save us?" The man from earlier pushes to the center of the circle, holding a spear identical to the ones that impaled each of the Hundred. He slowly reaches up to take away his mask. I gasp as the face of Chancellor Jaha comes out from behind it. "Time for you to join them." He says as he raises the spear. "No please." I whimper, tears pouring down my face. "Why didn't you save them?" Was all he said in response. He throws the spear right at my heart. I start screaming as everything turns black.

That is when I woke up. I've had this same dream ever since the night we brought Jasper back to camp. I hear a loud groan from Jasper in the middle floor of the Dropship and shake my head. It sounds so similar to the ones in my dream. I have to get out of here. I stand up and brush any dirt from me and make my way over to where the trees begin to get thick. I pull out my knife made from some Dropship metal and stand in front of a thicker tree. I focus on a barkless spot on the tree and take a deep breath. I throw the knife.

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