Not a chapter :( BUT PLEASE PLEASE READ!

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Hey guys! I know that I'm faking you out by posting this, but I just wanted to keep you guys updated with a couple of things.

1.) HOLY CRAP 200 READS!!!!!

        Thank you guys so so much! I didn't even think that I would get 10 reads, so I am super                     excited and super thankful for the people who are actually taking time out of their days to             read this!

2.) My Schedule

        I know I haven't really been regular with my updates, like ever, but now is a really hard time for me to find time to watch the episodes and get as much detail from them as I can before writing the chapters because A. school has started back up and I am literally on campus everyday for six to eight hours and then have to come home and do homework and take care of my babies (my doggies) and take care of my family (because apparently they can't take care of themselves even though I am the baby of the family) and then study and find time for friends (what friends? They all went off somewhere else for college) and yada yada yada; and B. both my grandparents are in the hospital in another state and my mom is down there with them (because they are her parents) so I have been given some extra responsibilities such as cooking dinner and going grocery shopping for the week and adulting for the family (which is hard when you've been treated like a three year old for all of your life). So in other words, I've been super super SUPER busy, but please please please PLEASE have some patience with me! I have started watching and making notes on the next episode already, and I plan to work on it a little bit when I get home from school tomorrow (I would do it tonight, but I just got home like 20 minutes ago and need sleep. And food.). So please have patience with me guys!


       It really does mean a lot to me so please don't go anywhere as my hectic schedule gets even worse and I try to get and make time for this. Like I said earlier, I've already started working on the next chapter, but I've only been able to do a little bit at a time because of needing to do something else or exhaustion. 

4. Next Update

       I will try as hard as I can to get the next chapter all written out tomorrow, and then type it up over the weekend as I tell my dad that I am doing homework to get out of yard work (I am to del(azy)icate for that). But pleeeeeaaaassssseeeee stick with me! It would mean so much.


      It is really uplifting and encouraging when you guys leave comments on the chapters, so thank for the two people so far. Plus, it makes me feel more motivated to update and such, so please leave comments as you read! They can be about anything! Grammatical errors, what you liked, what you didn't like, spelling errors, things that don't make sense with the rest of the story, etc etc. Just please don't leave any hate or anything like that. I'm a sensitive soul who needs love and support, and I might just spout something back at you because I am cranky about 99 percent of the time, so..... fair warning.  

I love all of you guys so so much! Thanks again for all the reads and I hope you guys have a lovely day/night/afternoon/morning/midnight/eating time/nap time/whatever time.

And the enjoy the master piece that is Jensen Ackles single-tear cry and join me with the gross sobbing at his sad little face.

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