Chapter Nineteen

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I am in and out of consciousness so many times, that the only way I can tell that time is passing is the amount of sunlight coming into the dropship. I'm aware that someone is pressing a cool, wet rag to my forehead, and I open my eyes and see a blur of blonde hair. "Clarke?" I mumble out, my eyelids becoming heavy again. "Shh. Get some rest." I hear her voice say, and I follow her directions, letting myself drift off into sleep once again.

I'm drowning. I'm pretty sure someone has thrown me into the river, and now I'm drowning. I feel someone's hands on me, and I come into full consciousness. I'm not in the river, I'm still in the dropship, and Clarke is turning me onto my side, and more blood is coming up my throat and out of my mouth. I cough a few times and take in shuddering breaths. "You okay?" Clarke asks, and I nod. "Yeah." I say and let her wipe at my face with a wet cloth. "I feel strangely better." I say, sitting myself up. I raise my eyebrows in victory as no nauseous feeling arises. "Well, that's a start." She says, and I can see how exhausted she is. "Clarke, you're sick too. You need rest." I say, placing a shaky hand on her shoulder. She just sighs and stands up, walking to look at someone else.

Two people come in and start carrying out a body. I wobble onto my feet, following them out, and watch as they stack him on top of a pile of more dead bodies. I stare at the pile of bodies and feel a sick sense of relief when I don't recognize anyone. I feel someone walk up next to me and turn to see Clarke looking sadly as the stack of bodies. "Alright. Show's over, get back to your posts." I turn my head and see Bellamy walking up to the ramp of the Dropship. A small, tired smile falls onto my face. "You got enough food in there, Princess? Water?" He asks, causing my smile to widen. "Yeah, but I think Clarke might want some medicine, but hey, beggars can't be choosers." I say, shrugging my shoulders slightly, not liking how much energy just standing up seems to take out of me.

A mix between a smile and a smirk appears on Bellamy's face. "I'll see what I can do." He says, and I smile back at him, taking a nice long blink while taking in some fresh air through my nose. "Octavia, you okay?" Bellamy yells out, and my eyes widen in worry as I turn to Clarke. "Octavia's sick?" I ask and go to push past her, but my sister's words cause me to pause. "Bellamy wait. She's not here. I sent her to see Lincoln." She says, and I turn to see a pissed off looking Bellamy standing closer to the ramp. "Look, if there's a cure, he has it. I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't let her go." Clarke says, exhaustion creeping back into her voice. "If anything happens to her, you and me are gonna have problems." Bellamy says, before turning around to storm off. Clarke tries to get him to come back. I know he won't.

I sigh as I watch him walk away. I watch as he stops behind a person, probably telling him to move. The kid turns around and to my horror, blood is dripping from his eyes. "Bellamy!" I yell in warning, taking a few steps off the ramp, but Clarke's hand on my arm stops me from going anywhere. I here safeties clicking off and watch in fear as the guy begins making his way towards me and Clarke. Then, all hell breaking freaking loose.

A girl falls, someone catches her, and she spits up blood on his face. Guns are raised as the boy drops her to the ground. Bellamy gets in the middle of everything, and my heart stops. I dash into the Dropship as fast as I can and grab what I was looking for from leaning on the wall. A gun. I whip the tarp away from the door, raise it in the air as I stand next to Clarke again, and shoot off a couple of shots. The entire camp goes quiet as they all turn to look at me and Clarke.

I nod to Clarke as I let the gun drop to my side. She takes a few steps forward, and I follow after her incase anyone decides to point their gun at her. "This is exactly what the Grounders want. Don't you see that? They don't have to kill us if we kill each other first." Clarke says, and a guy steps forward, raising his gun at her. "They don't have to kill us if we all catch the virus."

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