Chapter Twenty-Four

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A gentle shaking on my shoulders causes my eyes to flutter open, and I squint at the brightness in the tent. "Good morning, Princess." I hear Bellamy say, and the memories of what happened before I drifted to sleep come rushing back, causing me to blush slightly. "Morning." I grumble, lifting my head off of his bare chest and clutching the blanket tighter around my bare chest.

I run a hand through my hair while I prop myself up with the other and let out a sigh. "I guess we should get out there." I say, looking at Bellamy. He stays laying down but reaches out with a hand and trails up and down my arm with his finger tips. "Yeah." He says, his voice still gruff from what happened with Murphy but with a smile plastered on his face. A soft smile of my own makes its way onto my face, and I pat his chest. "The Grounders won't stop for us." I say, crawling over him to get out of the bed, taking the blanket with me. I begin gathering my clothes and putting them, dropping the blanket once I have my underwear on.

I turn back to Bellamy just as he shrugs on his jacket. I grab my boots and sit down next Bellamy as he grabs his own. We put on our boots and tie them in silence. Once done, I take in a deep breath and let my shoulders hunch over. Bellamy places a hand on my knee, and I turn to look at him, feeling tears well up in my eyes. "Carter, what's wrong?" He asks, concern filling the features on his face. I open my mouth to say something, tell him about how scared I am about what's going to happen to us in the next couple of days, tell him how scared I am with the Grounders coming to kill all of us, how scared I am that I have lost the only real family that I have, how scared I am to tell him everything, but I don't get to.

A commotion comes from outside the tent, which has Bellamy and I on our feet and out into the center of camp in less than a second, me with my bow and arrows in hand and Bellamy with a gun in his. Scared voices are announcing an attack by the Grounders, and I follow after Bellamy, slinging my quiver over my shoulder and loading up my bow. "Wait, hold your fire! It's Clarke and Finn!" I hear Miller yell.

The next thing I know, the gate to camp is opening and there are two people running through the gate, a blonde someone and a brunet someone. I drop my bow on the ground by the ramp of the Dropship and take off into a full sprint, passing Bellamy on the way. "What happened? We heard an explosion a few hours ago?" Clarke asks, but before anyone can answer her, I tackle my twin sister into a hug with tears pouring down my face.

She stumbles back a little bit before wrapping her arms around me. "Don't you ever make me think you are dead again, you hear me." I tell Clarke, squeezing her even tighter before pulling away slightly to look at her face. "What the hell happened to you?" I ask, noticing the dried blood on the side of her face. She shakes her head. "Long story, what the hell happened here?"She asks, repeating her earlier question. "Murphy happened." Bellamy says, joining into the conversation.

I take a step away from Clarke, pulling completely out of our embrace, and see Finn already looking at me. I step around Clarke and pull Finn into a tight hug. "You scared the shit out of me, Collins." I say, and I feel him squeeze me tighter. "I didn't mean to." He says with a hint of laughter in his voice. "Thank God." I hear Jasper say, and I pull away from Finn just in time to see Jasper pull Clarke into a hug. "Where've you been? Where's Monty?" He asks, looking back towards the gate just as it starts to close. I see Clarke's face drop. "Monty's gone?" She asks, and I exchange a worried look with Bellamy. If Monty's not with them, then where the hell is he?

"Clarke we need to leave, now. All of us do." Finn says, causing me to whip my head back around to him. "What are you talking about?" I ask him, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. Why do we need to leave? Finn looks at me before looking at Bellamy. "There's an army of Grounders unlike anything we've ever seen coming for us right now. We need to pack what we can and run." Finn says, causing me to recoil away from him slightly.

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