Chapter Twenty-Five

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I get into my position next to Jasper and give him a wicked grin. "You ready for this?" I ask him, nudging him slightly. "Hell yeah." He says, giving me a grin. I take a deep breath, trying to swallow the fear I feel building up inside of me. "All fox holes listen up. Inflict casualties, as many as possible. You need to hold them off long enough to make them turn back. That's the plan." Bellamy's voice comes over the walkie I have holding in my hand, and I bite my lip at the sound of his voice.

"So you and Bellamy?" My eye widen at Jasper's question. "Me and Bellamy what?" I ask, trying to play it cool. He raises an eyebrow at me as a grin forms on his face. "You two are totally together." He says, shaking his head slightly. I sigh, feeling slight embarrassment and anger at being embarrassed build up inside of me. "Now is not the time for gossip, Jasper. We need to stay focused." I say, clutching my gun tightly in my hand and resisting the urge to shoot Jasper instead of the Grounders. I hear him chuckle from next to me. "You're on my shit-list now, Jordan." I say, looking down my scope and keeping an eye out for any movement.

Now we wait.

The sun begins making its way down, darkening the sky with every passing minute. Fighting in the dark will make this so much harder. "Carter?" I hear Bellamy's voice come in over my radio. "Yeah?" I ask, holding the walkie up to my mouth. "Anything yet?" He asks, and I shake my head before answering. "No sign of them yet." I answer, feeling everyone's gaze on me. "Alright, stay sharp and be careful." He says, and I nod again. "You too, Bell." I say and tuck the walkie into the pocket of my jacket. "Yeah, you two are definitely together." Jasper says, and I elbow him in the stomach.

The waiting continues until the sun is completely down behind the trees, making the forest dark and every shadow seem dangerous. A thumping starts from the distance, and I share a look with with Jasper. "War drums. Intimidating." I say, causing him to roll his eyes at me. "I see them! There's one, two, three, wait, there's more. I don't know man there's too damn many!" Somebody's panic voice comes from over the radio as gunshots start ringing out in the distance. "Jasper, who is that?" I ask,pulling the radio back out from my pocket. "Sterling." he says, taking aim with his gun. "South fox hole, report now!" Bellamy says, just as I bring the walkie up to speak.

I wait with bated breath as the silence seems to stretch. "Yeah, yeah. We're okay. They didn't attack. It's like they're shooting at ghosts." Sterling says, and I roll my eyes as I talk. "That's because they want us to waste our ammo on them, so stay smart." I say into the walkie, hoping that everyone is listening. "Good call, Carter. Everyone wait until they are running straight at you to fire." Bellamy says, and I put the walkie back into my pocket.

A shadow runs between a tree. "Jasper, did you see that?" I ask, looking back down my scope. "Yeah." He says, and I gulp. This is it. "Remember, wait until they're running right at us." A huge explosion and a scream signals that a Grounder stepped on one of the mines. Jasper digs into my pocket and pulls out the walkie. "Raven! Our mines work!" He says, and I snatch the walkie out of his hand. "Of course they work." I say, rolling my eyes with a smirk on my face. Bet they weren't expecting that. "Jasper. We need you in the Dropship right now." Clarke's worried voice comes from over the walkie, and Jasper and I share confused looks. "Go." I say, nodding my head towards the tunnel. "Negative. We can't give up the west woods." Bellamy chimes in as I shove Jasper out of the fox hole and towards the tunnel. "Go! We got this." I say, nodding my head towards Harper. Jasper nods and takes off towards the tunnel. "I hope." I mutter under my breath.

"Jasper's on his way." I say into the walkie before pocketing it again just in time to shoot down another Grounder. "Carter, you go with him." Bellamy's says, and I sigh digging it back out of my pocket. "I'm needed here, it's just me and Harper." I say, putting the walkie down to shoot down another Grounder running at us. "Carter, just ple..."

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