Entry 002

243 11 0

Dear diary,

I reached college late afternoon today. It was a long and tiring five hours journey by bus. When I first arrived, I was welcomed by the beautiful surrounding of the residential college. The pain partially gone just like that. However, the climb to my room which is on the fourth floor was too much for my poor body that I nearly collapse. I swear I'll never climb the stair anymore when the elevator returns to function.

I was given a room with 3 other girls from various faculties. One of them are the same course as me. I'll name her 'L'. 'A' is from law and 'Z' is from engineering.

'L' is a girl with short dark hair, almost as short as a boy. The way she speaks is quite harsh but also humorous. She looks like a carefree and lay back however, she's the kind of straight to the point person who will comment on anything that she didn't like about someone. Just my type. I don't like girls who put up faces and hide behind words. I'm pretty sure that we'll get along just fine.

'A' is quite the opposite of 'L'. With long blonde hair and nobility-like attitude, she looks very collected and well behave. With a face and body like that she can easily succeed in the fashion industry, as a model. Guess what, she can also sings. But what bothers me the most is her hair. It sways gracefully on her waist as if it's alive. If only I didn't cut mine.. Ah forget about it. It's done after all. Anyway, she's a kind and loving person. Maybe I can ask her to teach me to be more humane.

'Z'. Her physical characteristics are not much different to 'L'. She didn't talk much. Maybe not yet. However, there's something different about her. It makes me want to know more about her. I think I saw a guitar in her locker. Well, look at what we have here, a pianist-me, a guitarist and also a singer. We can make a band with these. And 'L' can be the manager. Brilliant! I'll bring forward this idea to them when we became closer one day. I'll make a reminder on that.

After quarrelling for bed when we first entered this room, I only managed to get the upper level of the bunker. The height scares me but I'll face it in any way. Looking at the bright side, I get all the privacy I want and I can monitor every inches of their moves from up here. How creepy does that sounds? No I'm not that psycho. Once in a while is fine.

Classes will only start next week. Before then, we'll have orientation week, which will starts on tomorrow's dawn. Yes, dawn.

I hate orientation. I just hate it.

Why do we need it after all? It's just a waste of time. Like all we gonna do is introducing yourself, playing some silly games and listening to talks from who knows who. Ah, don't forget about the lining up like a kindergarten and getting scolded by the so-called seniors. I experienced it before.

Well, let's just get through it. It's not like I can do anything about it.

There's so many things I want to tell you, diary but I must sleep now. I need to replenish my energy for tomorrow's battle.

Ganbatte, Miyuki!

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