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The ball flew towards me in a curve that is too high for me to catch. I leapt and stretched my arms high in the sky and grabbed it with my tiny hands. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I dribbled the ball with all the strength I have left and position myself to shoot. But then, a member from the opponent team blocked me and tried to snatch the ball away from me.

Oh yes, before I forget, I'm playing today. Last night I got a call from the female tigress begging me to play in the game. Something happened yesterday during the game and she was injured. It's a tackle or something. Somehow our team managed to go to the final but due to lack of player, they had to take me in. So here I am right now.

I looked to the left and right to find any opening and I saw Kaoru with no defence. I passed the ball to her and positioned myself at the empty space. Kaoru returned the ball to me and I shoot the ball in a perfect projectile.

The buzzer rang, signing the end of the game. We won the game with one point difference.

"Thank you for the game!"

I saw Akira-senpai by the court. With hairs sticking out here and there and sweats streaming down my face, and dashed towards him. I wish I look more presentable in front of him but you know what, that is the least important thing to worry about right now.

"Senpai!! We won!"

"Congratulation, Miyuki! You guys were playing very well just now. Especially that last shot you made."

I sensed staring eyes from a distance. Who else could it be if not that woman and her pack? At least I can rest assured that they will not pick a fight with me today. Honestly, I hope we can get along well after this. We're a team after all.

"It's all thanks to you, senpai. I learnt a lot from you. Thank you for practicing with me all this time. I wish I could return your favour one day."

"How about next Saturday?"

I looked at him cluelessly.

"A date."

I was flabbergasted.

"It's our turn now. Wish me luck." And off he went.

"Good luck senpai!!" I shouted from the top off my lung, ignoring all the watching eyes.

Not long after he left, the opponent team passed by me. All of the players are huge and strongly built. They are intimidating.

"Congratulation, Yuki."

A guy from the pack uttered as he passed by. I tried to look at the person but he lost in the crowd.


Hello guys!!

I disappeared for quite a long time this time. Very sorry about that. The third semester was such a busy one. I guess I joined too much activities last time. Suddenly the sem ended. Time sure fly fast!

A lot of things happened during the last sem. I finally got to cosplay! It was during Comic Fiesta. I cosplayed as Saber Lily. If you don't know who that is, go Google. I'm very happy and satisfied because I made the costume by myself. I wore the dress I made and wore a contact lenses for the first time! Hahaha.. Now I'm working on the sword. I'm planning to cosplay again in the upcoming Animax Carnival.

So, the forth semester will begin in a few days. I'm so excited to tell you guys that I'M GOING TO JAPAN!!!!! for a spring program. It will be held on march. My dream will finally comes true... sobs. I can't wait to see the sakura tree. I can't wait to ride on an airplane and see the clouds from above!!

That's all for now. Thank you for those who still read this story regardless the slow update. Thank you so much!! Y^-^Y

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