Entry 011; Realization

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Dear diary,
I know this might sounds crazy.
I think I like X-senpai.
I.. I don't know how and why I like him. I found myself always thinking about him. And I cannot take my eyes off him whenever he appears in my sight. I want to see his face and his smile. I want him to smile at me.
He changed my life in so many ways without even knowing. He has been my inspiration since I first laid eyes on him. The way he treats people around him makes me want to change myself for the better. He helped me with basketball and many other things. There are so many things I can write about him and all of them are good. That's also the reason I like him.
But he already had a girlfriend. She is my captain from basketball. J-senpai. I don't really like her but I must admit that they look good together. She's pretty, outgoing and a people person. The absolute opposite of me. I'm nobody compared to her.
I'm fully aware that this feeling is one sided. There's no way X-senpai will ever likes me back. But I will still like him anyway. It's not wrong, right?


"Yuki, ball!!"

I ran backwards toward the goal as fast as I could. I raised my hand to catch the ball but it was too high. The ball flew above my head as I continued to run toward the empty half court. The ball descent and I caught it.

"Lay up! Lay up!"

I dribbled the ball until the three point line and shoot.

"Beep!!" The buzzer beat. Game is finally over.

"Nice shot, Yuki!!"

The girls came and hugged me. We just won a friendly match with the team from another college. It was a tough game. They were the last year's champion. We were lucky to win by one point.

Amidst the hassles, I drifted my sight to the other side of the gym where the boy team is practicing. My gaze focused at the brown-haired guy which was looking at me at that moment. He gave me a smile and thumbs up from the distance. My heart skipped a beat. Ever since I decided to like him, there's this funny feeling rising from my stomach whenever I look at him. I smiled back at him shyly before returning my attention to the game.

After thanking everyone for the game and hearing some talks from the captain, we dismissed. I walked to the locker room with the other.

"That was awesome, Yuki! When did you became so good?" Kaoru who was wiping her face with a towel asked.

"It's not me. That was just luck."

"That doesn't seem like luck at all. Three point three times in a row is way too much for luck to make it works."

"I kind of practiced. That's all."

"You must had practiced a lot, don't you? In this state, I'm sure you can be the first five during the real game this weekends."

"This weekends? Wait a minute. You mean this Saturday and Sunday?"

"Of course. Jenny-senpai reminded us many times since the day before yesterday. Aren't you listening?"

Well.. How do you expect me to pay attention to her when Akira-senpai was there all the time? The main reason I can play so well was also because of the presence of him.

"That means there's only three days left before competition. What should I do?? I'm not ready yet!" I placed my hands on both side of my face while making an O-shaped mouth.

"Stop it. You look so ugly. Relax. You going to be just fine."

"Hopefully.. ”

"I'm going back first. See you tomorrow. Bye."

"See you." Now if you can excuse me, I have a date with my senpai.


I'm back at my hometown finally.
Hopefully I can get some inspiration for this story since it became more and more ridiculous by time. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's so hard to think what to write lately and I end up posting crappy chapters. I'm so sorry about that.
I'm sorry for everything.
//bows 180 degree//

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