Last Practice (Part 1)

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It's Friday. Everybody's favourite day. What's better than that? Waking up to a message saying that classes were cancelled. Heaven.

I rolled back into the blanket and closed my eyes only to be woken up by a phone call.


It writes. Such a nostalgic name. It had been so long after I last read that name on the caller id. This sure brings back memories. I took a deep breath and picked up the phone.

Miyuki: ...

Erika: Hello, is Yuki there?

Miyuki: Speaking.

Erika: Um.. Hi, Yuki.

Miyuki: Hi.

I swear this is the most awkward conversation I ever had with this girl. Seeing that she is my bestfriend since little. She moved out from town when we're freshman at high school. Even so, we contacted each other once in awhile until some incident happened and we lost contact when we finished high school.

Erika: So, how are you doing?

Miyuki: Good I guess.

Erika: ...

Miyuki: ...

Erika: Arghhh!!! I cannot do this!! Yuki, what happened to us? How long should we continue being like this?

The girl on the other end of the line burst into tears which made my eyes teary also.

Erika: I miss you, Yuki.

Miyuki: I'm sorry, Erika. I miss you too.

Both of us spent about half an hour crying our eyeballs out, screaming, and reminiscing the past before calming down.

Erika: You're joking, right?

Miyuki: I'm not. Did I ever lie to you?

Erika: No, but.. That's so unreal. Playing basketball is the last thing that will ever happen to you. Everything is so wrong with that. And, and why basketball out of all the millions of sport? Why not ballet or acrobat or anything else that is not that rough? Can you do it? You know that you're weak, right?

Her never ending rant is kind of annoying but that's what I miss the most about her.

Miyuki: Hey! That's insulting you know? I became so much stronger from the past me. This is the new and improved Miyuki Furukawa we're talking about. Have some faith on me. Wish me luck at least.

Erika: Ya, ya. But don't push yourself too hard okay? After all these years I don't want to see you in wheelchair or something. So when is the tournament?

Miyuki: Tomorrow and the day after that. I'm so nervous right now.

Erika: Don't worry. I know you can do it. You always give your best when you set your mind on it. You'll win for sure!

Miyuki: Thank you. Erika, I have so many stories to tell you. I hope I can meet you soon.

Erika: Me too. Actually there's something I need to talk to you about. It's about Sat-

Miyuki: Erika, can we please not talk about that?

Erika: Yuki..

Miyuki: I need to hang up now. Talk to you later.

I pressed the hang up button with the speed of light. I cannot risk my life to hear what she's about to say next. I put so much effort in avoiding myself from thinking about it. I can't imagine how much damage it will brings to me if I ever listen to that name again.

Even so, I'm glad that Erika and I are back to normal now.


"Outdoor court??"

"Yes. They need the indoor court for other games."

"No! I'll get sunburn!"

"I don't want to play under the heat!"

"My poor flawless face.."

The girls went into an uproar. Everybody did not agree with the decision. I'm also concern about the issue. What if I cannot stand it?

"Calm down people!" The captain raised her voice. "Make sure to bring a lot of mineral water, sun block, umbrella and whatever you think I necessary. I don't want anyone to get heatstroke or injuries. Five minutes break from now before we proceed with game."

I need to buy a sunblock.

Kaoru and I moved to our unassigned place at the corner of the gym. Kaoru started her ranting session as soon as we placed our behind to the gym floor. I'm so not in the mood to listen to her so I excused myself to go to the toilet.

I walked slowly towards the dim it corridor which lead to the locker room and toilet. There was a man walking from the opposite direction. Guess who? You know who. I kept my face facing the floor as I walk. I didn't dare to look at him. My heartbeat became faster and faster as we became closer to each other.

My trail was stopped when suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned around to see the culprit and saw Akira-senpai looking at me with the expression I never saw from him before.

"Miyuki, is there anything wrong with you?"

I kept my mouth shut. I'm not sure whether to answer it or not. There's so many things is wrong with me that I cannot voice it out. Especially to him, as he is the main reason of all the things that is happening to me.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He said in a deep voice as he looked straight into my eyes.

I was taken aback by his question. Why did he even care? Who am I to him?

As we are busy staring into each other's face, my peripheral view caught the sight of the girl captain and her friends coming towards our direction. Quickly I freed my wrist and fled to where Kaoru was, cancelling my plan to visit the toilet.


How to Make Senpai Notice [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now