Spring and Fall

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I exited the anatomy lab hurriedly as soon as the lecturer announced the end of class. I need to catch the bus which is supposed to leave in two minutes or I'll have to wait another fifteen minutes for the next bus. I rather run with all my might now than waiting that long. I left Lily behind who was in the same lab because she was walking too slowly, thanks to the three inch heels she wore. That girl is unbelievable. She was lucky enough not getting kicked out from the lab because of the shoes.

I reached the bus stop just in time. The bus moved as soon as I hoped on. There's no more seat available. Never mind that. I'm grateful that I made it, even though I have to stand almost half an hour standing in this unbalanced vehicle.

Half an hour from the faculty to college (including traffic jam). That's how big this campus is. There are many other parts of it that I have yet to explore. There's twelve residential college altogether in this campus but I had never went to any of them but mine. It's not that I don't want to. To be honest I really wanted to explore this whole place and search for good place to eat and hang out but my packed schedule didn't allow me to.

I let my mind wander around, until the bus stopped at the Engineering Faculty to fetch the students. Akira-senpai studies here. He's going to be an engineer one day. He must look handsome in suit and tie. Oh my God. The mental image is making me blush.



He's here!! He's in front of me!

"Um. Good morning, senpai."

"Afternoon." He smiled. "Did you finished your classes?"


"That looks like heavy."

He must meant the 982-pages hard cover anatomy textbook in my hands. "No, it's not. I'm fine." The bus hit a speed bump and made the bus shook. The book slightly slipped from my grip.

"Let me help you with that."

With that I gave him the book without further argument.

The rest of the journey passed peacefully with small talks and silence. Every now and then, I stole a few glances at him while he's not looking. He looks cute in that blue checker shirt over white tee. Who am I lying to? He looks cute in anything and everything.

Apparently, the bus reached our college even though I prayed that the journey will last forever. We and few other students disembarked.

"See you at practice." Akira-senpai said before we parted our ways.


I skipped my way to my room out of happiness. Ah.. What a beautiful day it is. I got to spend more time with senpai today. And I'll get to see him again tonight. Fan-girling again!

"Looks like somebody took her happy pill today." Zea spoke from her table as I entered the room. She was drowned in the bundle of books that spilled from the table to the floor. She's not that hardworking as long as I known her. That leave me with just one explanation. Exam.

"Who?" I made my way to the table to put my things.

"The one who was humming a happy tune just now."

"Oh." I walked pass her to my bed and laid on it.

"Can you stop it please?? It's annoying, Yuki! Today is not the day for you to be happy."

"I bet she met her senpai just now." Alicia spoke from behind her books.

Now I'm glad to be a medic student. I won't have exam until next month. "Don't bother me. Just continue with your study." I said before started to hum again.



Practice had just ended. I'll wait for everyone to leave before going to another practice with just me and another person.

Suddenly the door of the locker room swung open forcefully.

"Yuki, I need to talk to you." Jenny-senpai stormed into the room.

That doesn't sound good in any way. "Yes, captain?"

"What have you been doing with my boyfriend all this time?"

How to Make Senpai Notice [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now