
30 6 3

"You're too slow, Yuki! Use your leg not brain!"

"Yes, captain!"

I pant heavily as I sweep the sweats on my chin. I don't think I can catch up anymore. The two teammates rush forward to catch the rebound. The ball falls to the opposite team but my team manages to catch it back. 


The ball flies toward me in a demonly speed. In a blink of eye, it reaches my hands before kissing my forehead.


The light goes off. 

Or it's only my thought.

"Yuki!! Are you alright??" Kaoru asks anxiously as she pulls my body to stand. I can't recall me falling on the butt even though it hurts like crazy right now . It's not that hurt if compared to my skull. Luckily my glasses are safe. Oh. I forgot to mention about it all this time. I'm a four eyed and that makes me observe people better. It doesn't work to non-living thing, I see. 

"I'm fine. No need to worry about me."

"You don't like fine, Yuki. You're forehead is blue." I know she's overreacting.

"She said she's fine. Now get back to the game, people!" Jenny-senpai shouts from the bench making everyone running back to their respective positions. Maybe I should address her with her real name when I'm talking in my head but I can't remember it. "You too Yuki."

"Yes, captain." I answer weakly, not wanting to argue with her any further. I had enough of her for today. Maybe for the rest of my life. She's been ordering me this and that since the warming up session until this very second. Did she hates me or it's just me? 

The practice last for another ten killing minutes before we are given our freedom back. I let out a heavy sigh. What a good night to end such a great day I had today. Notice the sarcasm. It is a great day indeed. Getting a criticism from the professor on my presentation and a B+ for immunology test and cherry-topped with  the uh so hateful group discussion.  I thought it will not get any worse than that until tonight came. 

Everybody is getting ready to leave the gym while I still sitting on the bench as I massage my bruised forehead. Then Kaoru comes and sits beside me.

"Are you really alright? You don't look your best today."

"A lot of things happen in faculty today. I shouldn't be thinking about it during practice. My bad."

"Don't you think you're pushing yourself too hard? You shouldn't act so tough, you know, with a weak body like yours."

"I don't want to be weak, Kaoru. That's why I joined this thing. Don't worry about me. I know when to stop and that's a long  long time from now. I just started."

"Fine, Yuki. You're the doctor after all. I know you know the best for yourself. Just don't make me worry."

"Pfft. You're worry about me??" I laugh at her word. I try to hide the fact that I'm touched. 

"Not at all. Now let's go home."

I smile at her. 

"Aren't you tired at all?"

"I'll only want to shoot some ball then I'll leave. No running or anything."

"You know what, I will stay to make sure you do as you said but I have a quiz tomorrow so I'll go first. Take care."  

I wave at her back. I walk toward to the court and sit down on the floor, with m back leaning on the post. I don't really feel like practicing my shot today after getting this bruise and all but I don't feel like returning to my room too. There are too many people in there. Sometimes I feel claustrophobic in there. With all the noises and people talking. I guess I can use some time alone in here for awhile. 

I stare to the opposite hoop while imagining how I should shoot the ball from the three point line. I still cannot do it after all the practice. It's always not enough force or not enough projectile. The men in the internet make it looks as easy as throwing rubbish into the dustbin. How did they do it?

I close my eyes, trying to imagine how the pros do it. Suddenly the image of him pop into my head. His three point shot is the best I've ever seen. The one that he dedicated to me. 

I'm thinking of him again.

I shouldn't be. 

I guess today is wearing me out too much. I better get back to my room and get some rest. Then I remember, I left an assignment on the table before I left for practice so that I can finish it when I get back. And all I've done is wasting my time in this gym doing nothing. Great, Miyuki. 

I quickly pack my things and make my way to leave. There are still some people inside this building at this hour. I rush toward the door when I bumped onto someone. 

I  continue to walk without looking at the person. I don't have time for this. 

"I'm sorry." A familiar voice rings in my ears. I turn my head to see at the culprit. "Oh, it's you!" He says cheerfully as always.

"Akira-senpai! I'm sorry! I wasn't looking. W-what are you doing here?" I stutter a bit. Why did I even asked? I should have leave. I'm so not looking nice right now. And smelly.

"I'm picking my friend's thing. She always forget her thing." He shot me with the smile. Asdfkfd. Why is he so cute?  "Why are you still here? Practice is over a long time ago, isn't it?"

"I.. uh.." 

"What's that on your forehead?" He moves closer to me. 

"It's nothing. I messed up during practice and got this. I'll just put some ice pack on it when I return to my room." I swear my heart just did a hip hop inside there.

"Is it hurt?"

"Only a little. Ibuprofren will help."

"Do you have any?"

"No. But I think my friend have some."

"Wait here." He goes inside and comes back in no time. "Come with me. We have some painkiller in the Red Crescent room."

"I don't-"

"Just come." He takes my hand and drags me along with him. I don't know how to put my feeling right now. 

"You sit first. I'll prepare the ice pack." 

I don't remember when we reach this crowded room. I guess looking at him only all the way here is the reason why. I really should leave now before I embarrass myself in front of all these people.  

How to Make Senpai Notice [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now