Entry 004

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Dear diary,

Today we went to the faculty for the first time. By feet. And it is thirty minutes away from college. I don't understand why the seniors asked us to walk when there are bus shuttling back and forth like every fifteen minutes from the college to faculty. Such a waste of petrol. One day when the petrol ran out, only then they will remember this day and regret it for the rest of their lives. Well, if they're still alive by then.

And once again we had our own orientation, the part where we had to line up. I don't know why I'm so against lining up. It reminds me to the kindergarten. Ya. Maybe that's why. I got issues during kindergarten. I better don't start talking about it now or I won't sleep tonight.

Back to the visit to the faculty, there are eighty students altogether including me in this year's batch. Majority of it is woman. There's only eleven guys in there. Behold the extinction of mankind! They should be kept in the glass container in some museum in no time, just like what they did to the dinosaurs. How sad is that? Most of them are nerds and specky. Just not my type.

Wait a minute, since when do I have specific requirement in man? Oh my God. What had happened to me? Since when you became like this? Remember the promise you made to yourself. Man are nuisance. The world would be better without them.

But.. 'X'-senpai..

I only admire him, I don't like him or what. That is accepted.

Forget about that. I'll do something to fix my brain later. Ok, continue with the story, after listening to some speeches from random person who I didn't mind to remember their names, each and every one of us were asked to introduce ourselves (like the three hundreds and forty-seventh time since the first day of orientation until now) on the stage with a short show of talent. For the first time in my life I introduced myself as Yuki and it's unutterably awkward. I know, no one asked me to do so, but I need to. So that I can change for good. I have no talent to show at that time so I sang one of song from my playlist. It was the worst thing I've ever done. It was so bad that they have to stop me before I even get to the chorus. My first impression was ruined before anything even started. Goodbye, bright future.

My face is still numb from the fake smiling that I did this whole day. It is so tiring!! How the hell 'X'-senpai did that every single day of his life?

I give up, for now.

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