Drifting Apart

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"Yuki, we need to talk."

"Yes, captain?"

She advanced towards me until her face was close enough to mine for me to see veins popping out of her skin. "What have you been doing with my boyfriend all this time?"

Her question stabbed my heart like a dagger. I was speechless for a second or two. Her go-to-die glare that was looking straight into my eyes was not helping to ease the tension between us at all. "Wh-what are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Yuki. I know there's something between you and him. He's been talking a lot about you lately. Mind to tell me what that is about?"

I bit my lower lip as I stared to the floor. I shouldn't tell her that I was secretly meeting with her so-called boyfriend to practice basketball just as an excuse to see him, shouldn't I? She'll skin me alive right this second.

"I don't really care what business you have with him. One thing you should know is if you don't stay away from him, you can say goodbye to the team." She added from the lack of respond from my side. "Oh, and one more thing. You still suck at basketball no matter how much practice you had." With that, she flipped her hair dramatically before leaving the room with a victorious smile.

My legs weakened and I slumped to the floor. I couldn't decide whether it's from all the jumping and running before or because of the scenario that happened just now. I never ever experienced anything as scary as this in my entire life until now.

Just what the hell have I gotten myself into?


It's another peaceful late afternoon at Sapphire Residential College. The bus arrived to drop the students from their respective faculties. A young girl in white coat disembarked and made her way to the cafeteria to grab her lunch, even though it's more likely to be called dinner at this time of the day. After paying for the food which she put into the take-away container, she proceeded her journey to her room.

Half a minute later, she returned to the cafeteria to buy another one for her roommate who locked herself up in the room to study for her examination. After doing the same thing for the second time, she once again continued her way to the room.

On the way there, she ran into a particular bespectacled man. She stopped her trail for  awhile, and so the guy. The guy was angry, not that he showed it on his face but the girl just knew it. Who wouldn't be angry if someone promised to practice together but didn't show up without any notice?

"Miyuki." The guy called. "Why-"

He was cut off when the girl stepped onto her heels and continued to walk without even bothered to listen to what he's about to say. He watched the girl went as she walked pass him and disappeared behind some random wall.

He could had just grabbed her hand to stop her but looking at the amount of things she had in her hands, including two plastic of food, an immunology textbook, a medical dictionary, a purse and a smartphone, he cancelled his intention. So the guy just stood there as he stared to where the girl disappeared with puzzled mind.

And that was just the beginning.

Later that evening, the basketball team had their training as usual.

"I remind you again, the tournament will take place in two days which left us with just today and tomorrow for training. We must win this year. And for that, I will make sure that every member is worthy for this team. So show me your best performance tonight."

"Yes, captain!" The girls answered enthusiastically.

They started the training with ten minutes jog around the court, followed by warm up session then continued with dribbling and lay up shoot before playing a full court game. Everything was normal from an outsider's point of view. Indeed it is.

Miyuki was in the game. She scored a three point the moment she got the ball. Everybody was cheering on her. However, not all was happy with what she had done, especially a second year student who was also the captain of the girls team, Jenny. She was annoyed with that girl's improvement. And more by the fact that that girl is her love rival. She need to do something to eliminate that girl from his life.

"Captain, ball!!" The girl shouted as she threw the ball towards her.

She dodged the ball intentionally and let the opponent team took it. "Yuki! Look at where you're passing!"


"If you can't even do an easy pass then you better quit playing."

The girl was taken aback by the woman's words. It wasn't her fault that they got the ball. She aimed the ball perfectly to the woman's hand before passing it. In the mean time, the opponent team scored a point.

"Look at what you did." The captain added before running to her attacking position, leaving the girl behind with a swollen heart.


It's rest time. Miyuki sat at her usual spot at the corner of the gym with Kaoru. Kaoru was talking about whole lot of things but was ignored by Miyuki because she was extremely exhausted. She wouldn't be this tired if they played a clean and healthy game if not because of someone with a very rotten heart. Miyuki did what she asked but she's still trying to ruin her basketball life.

'Well, she is the captain after all. I just need to bear with this for another day. If I didn't get killed by then. Sigh.'

She raised her gaze from  the floor to the court where the boy's team is using now. Her sight fixed to a particular man who was shooting the ball to the ring.


Miyuki let another sight escaped her mouth before burying her face between her chest and her knees.

What she didn't know is the man was also looking at her, actually always looking at her the entire evening.


Hello minna!!
I know I promised to update like two or three chapters a week but until now I only managed to upload once a week. I'm truly sorry for that. It seems like I'm enjoying this holiday way too much. So I made this extra long chapter (at least for me) to make it up to you guys. ^_^

And about changing the cover and stuff, it will happen soon. With soon I mean like maybe three to four chapters away. So stay tuned guys!!

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