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Chapter Fourteen
Luke's POV

"Cuke can you please stop! It's been 20 minutes and I can't take it anymore!" Ashton yells and bangs on the wall.

Chloe giggles and I roll my eyes at Ashton.

Chloe lets out another moan.

The headboard of the bed slams into the wall once again.

"Fine ignore me. It's not like we have to wake up in 5 hours anyways" Ashton yells.

I leave a trail of sloppy kisses along Chloe's jaw line.

Her nails dig into my back as she racks her hands up and down.

I look down at my beautiful fiancé, her eyes are squeezed shut, she's biting her lip to try and silence her moans, a thin layer of sweat is causing her skin to glow and she looks extremely beautiful.

I'm so lucky to be spending the rest of my life with an amazing girl.

Chloe and I climax and I roll off her laying beside her.

"You're so beautiful" I whisper as I kiss her shoulder.

She blushes and buries her face in my chest as she cuddles into me.

"I love you" she mumbles against my chest.

"I love you too baby" I say.

She sits up, the bed sheet covering her.

"Will you shower with me?" she asks.

"Are you asking for a round two?" I smirk jokingly.

She giggle and gets up leaving the bed sheet in the bed.

"Maybe" she says and scurries into the bathroom.

My eyes widen, wait really!?

I quickly get up and speed walk into the bathroom we're round two may or may not have began.

*5 Hours Later*

I slowly opened my eyes, Chloe was still fast asleep beside me.

I smile and gently kiss her head before getting up and slipping some gym shorts on before heading into the living room of the hotel room.

"Look who it is, mr fuck my fiancé all night" Ashton groans.

"Shut up" I say.

Ashton opens his mouth to speak when he's cut off by the sound of Chloe calling my name.

She quickly walks into the room.

"What's wrong?" I ask quickly.

"Arielle broke her wrist" she says.

My eyes widen.

"Oh my god how!?" I ask.

"She was trying to hang upside down on the monkey bars and someone pushed her and she fell and landed on it"

"Fuck" I curse under my breath.

"Doesn't she have a huge dance competition coming up?" I ask.

"Yeah she's gonna have to drop out" Chloe frowns.

I frown.

"Damn. She was really excited about this one" I say.

"I know" Chloe says.

*1 Week Later*

I smiled as I watched Chloe dance around the stage as she practiced her bass.

Her and Michael were having a conversation and he said something causing her to let out a loud laugh.

"Luke!" Ashton calls from behind me.

I turn around and he opens his mouth to say something when he sneezes.

"Oh my god" he groans.

"I can't stop *sneezes* sneezing!" Ashton whines.

I laugh and roll my eyes.

*7 Hours Later*
Chloe's POV

"The babies are looking perfectly healthy"

I smile at Luke.

"Twins are a wonderful thing"

I frown.

"It's triplets" Luke says.


"There's a baby it was somewhere on the side, not near the others" Luke says.

The doctor moves the wand around on my stomach to the left, and then to the right"

"You're not having triplets..."

My heart breaks. Oh my god did we lose a baby!?

"You're having quintuplets! Congrats!"

My eyes widen.

"I'll go print out some pictures"

The doctor leaves.

"I swear every time we go to an appointment we get another baby" Luke says.

"Luke, we're not even 25 and we're already going to have 6 kids" I say.

(A/N: I forget what year it is in this book #whoops)

That's a lot.

"I'm sorry Chloe" Luke says.

"No, it's fine, we're just young"

The doctor comes back into the room.

"I'd like to take a look at that baby on the left again" The doctor says.

I nod.

She moves the wand around.

"It's very small compared to it's brother and sisters" the doctor says.

"I do need to inform you of some things"

"Having multiples is very risky. The female body was made to carry 1 child, sometimes the body will reject a multiple, and sometimes a multiple wont get enough nutrients, I think that's what's happening to baby D"

Luke grabs my hand.

"Will it make it?" I ask.

"As of right now there's a 55% chance that it will make it" the doctor says.

Luke rubs his thumb against my knuckles.

"But by eating healthy foods and staying healthy you should be able to bring up it's survival rate"

"Congrats again and I wish you the best of luck"

*2 Hours Later*

"I love you no mater what Chlo" Luke says.

"I know" I whisper.

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