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Chapter Twenty Six
*1 1/2 Hours Later*
Cecilia's POV

The police lady leads me into the police station and into a cool (as in cold) room, there was a metal table in the middle and 3 chairs. 2 on one side and 1 on the other.

The police lady tells me to sit on the side with 1 chair.

"Are you hungry? Would you like a snack or a drink? We have apple juice" she smiles.

"Could I have some apple juice please?" I ask.

She nods.

She walks out of the room and returns a couple minutes later with an apple juice, juice box.

She opens it and puts the straw in before handing it to me.

I take it thanking her before taking a sip.

The police lady sits down in a chair in front of me. A police man opens the door and sticks his head in.

"We aren't interrogating her, bring her into my office" he says.

The police lady quickly nods and I follow her.

We go into the police mans office and I sit in front of a window that shows the rest of the police station.

The police man sits at the desk and the police lady sits in a chair beside the police mans desk.

"Hello Cecilia, I'm officer Brown, chief of this police department, and this is officer White, one of my newbies" The police chief says.

I nod.

"Cece can we ask you some questions?" the police man asks.

I nod slowly.

"Was anyone helping Maria?" officer White asks.

I nod.

Officer White writes something down in a note book.

"Can you tell us who?" she asks with a small smile.

"Evan, and Jackson, and Lisa, and sometimes Parker" I say.

I give them a description of what they looked liked before officer white told another officer to go look for them to arrest them.

"Wait! Don't get Lisa! She never hurted me! She wouldn't let them hurt me! She didn't nofing bad!" I say.

The chief frowns.

"Sweetie she still helped them by not telling anyone you were there" he says.

"Cece sweetie, did anyone touch you in places they shouldn't?" The chief asks.

I quickly shake my head.

"No" I say.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure" I say quickly and look away.

"Okay, who dyed your hair?"

"Maria, she forced me to do it so nobody would no who I is"

The officer nodded.

"Can you tell us what they did in the hospital room?"

My eyes start to water. How do they know? They know I lied?

"W-What?" I ask confused.

"When you were first taken"

Oh, that hospital room.

"Um...I asked the police man to open the window cause it was hot" I say.

My throat burns as I begin to cry.

"He opened it an Maria jumped in and stabbed him" I almost whisper as I begin to cry.

"I tried to scream but it wouldn't come out" I cry.

"It's okay sweetie, keep going"

"She started talking to me" I sniffle.

"What did she say?" Officer White butts in.

I shake my head.

"I-I don't know, I-I can't remember" I cry.

"That's okay, you're doing great sweetie keep going"

"I think I screamed for help an the other police man came in an Maria throwed her knife an it got him in his head and he fell an she took his gun and shooted the last police man" I cry.

I wipe my eyes and sniffle as my nose begins to get runny.

The chief hands me a tissue box and I thank him.

I wipe my nose.

"Keep going"

"Brad tried to run but..."

I suddenly remember Bradley.

"Is he okay!? Did she killed him?!" I ask quickly through my tears.

"He's okay sweetie, he just had a bumped head"

I nod and slowly begin to stop crying.


"Brad tried to run and Maria grabbed him and hit him in the head with the gun" I explain as my tears begin to stop.

"Then she asked me something and I think I said fuck you and then I think she put a cloth in my face and I went to sleep" I say.

They nod.

*1 Hour Later*

They was still asking me questions, but I don't want to answer anymore. I want to go home I want my daddy.

"When can I see my daddy?" I ask.

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