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So the attached image might spoil what happens in this chapter so.....hope you're ready!

Okay also this chapter takes place on the same day as the last chapter.

Chapter Twenty One:
A Mucy Special

Lucy's POV

"Mummy!" Nadia yelled.

I slowly open my eyes and let out a yawn.

I glance at the time. 5:45am.

"Nadia shh, I told you to leave mummy alone, what do you need?" Michael says.

"Liam has a dirty diaper" Nadia says.

"I can change a diaper Nadia, I used to change them all the time when you and Aidan were babies" Michael says.

I chuckle and rub my eyes.

There's knocking on the bedroom door.

"Mum change bum!" Liam calls.

"Liam stop" Aidan whisper yells.

"Mumma!" Liam yells.

"Liam shh mum's sleeping"

Liam starts to scream and fuss.

Aidan must be pulling him away from the door.

"Daddy" Aidan whisper yells.

"Nadia, Aidan go brush your teeth, Nadia once you're done that brush your hair" Michael says.

"Ew god Liam you stink" Michael cringes.

"Come, daddies gonna change your bum" Michael says.

"Uh oh" Liam says.

I close my eyes and go back to sleep.

*4 Hours Later*

I flush the toilet before washing my hands and brushing my teeth.

The front door shuts.

I pull my tangled hair into a messy bun before arms wrap around my waist and a kiss is placed on the side of my head.

I turn around and peck Michael's lips.

"Nadia and Aidan at school?" I ask.

Michael nods.

"Is Liam at daycare?" I ask.

Michael nods.

"They're all going to Melanie's after school" Michael says.

I look up at him confused.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I'm taking you out" he smiles.

"Get ready, we leave in 2 hours, wear something warm" he says.

He pecks my lips before walking into the bedroom.

I turn on the shower and smirk.

I walk to the doorway of the bathroom and lean against the door frame, only in one of Michael's shirts and a thong.

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