Is this life??

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Ashley POV 


As I got dressed my thoughts went to what Mark said to me.Whenever I'm around him I just want us to stay close forever. When he touches me I don't want him to leave me.When he looks into my eyes all I ever see is the love he feels for me.I do love Mark that I will admit but he has done me wrong in so many ways.

He killed the family that loved me, the family that raised me. He made the women that raised me say the most horrid words that have ever been said to me. I had to leave the great life I was living because of a choice he had no right to make. My own mate does not want me because of what I have become. I just my real family and I had to abandon them. I know what I have done would probably break them, but the choice made was made for the best.

I was finally dress and I had to say I look cute today. I dressed in a light blue dress that was cut short in the front but flowed in the back. To match the white belt that was one the dress I wore white pumps. I decided on a heart shaped necklace that hung to the middle of my chest. I put my favorite ring on. It was a butterfly that had little dimonds on the wings. I wore my hair in its natural straight way.

When I walked out mark looked at me I could see the love in his eyes. He have me his bright smile the one that I loved so much.He strode toward me and I felt my heart flutter. Next thing I knew I was in his arms.I missed his touch so much I didn't even realize. My head layed in the crook of his neck. I nuzled my head as close as I could get to him and I breathed in his sent.

"You look beautiful my love,my life, my whole purpose of being on this earth." Mark whispered into my ear.

"I have missed you dearly and I do regret everything I did to hurt you I hope one day that you will forgive all my sins. I will wait for you forever. I truly hope it doesn't take that long but I will wait for you." He said as he looked me into my eyes.

I pull away slightly and cupped his face. I tryed to show all my emotion towards him at that moment. That turned out to be a bad idea I guess because Mark looked down shamefully. I grabbed his face yet again and looked into his eyes.

"Mark I promise you won't have to wait forever for me. I can tell you right now that I love you. I know you regret the things you did to me but they probably had to happen. I know you well enough to know you never do something without a reason. I except you as my vampire soul mate. I just hope you will be able to put up with me forever, because I know I will not regret this choice."

Mark looked at me frozen. At that moment I felt like I wasn't excepted. I started to pull away. Then Marks hold on me got tighter. I looked up to his face then next thing I knew I felt lips on mine. For a moment I stayed still but after I realized what was happening I responed. Right when it started to get heated Mark pulled away.

"it makes so happy that you except me and im glad that I don't have to wait a thousand years for you to love me."

At that moment I decided I would never leave mark not even if my other mate wants me. I will love mark with all of my heart and nothing and no one will change my mind.


Thank you to all the fans that are still reading and I'm really sorry that it took me so long to update and that it's so short i had to do it on my phone.

hope you enjoyed.





now that is all class is now dismissed...

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