You did this to me

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As i walked home i tried to think about what just happened the only thing that kept coming up was that im a vampire now.I tried to calm myself then i picked up the most yummy sent ever.OMG its like an orgasm in my mouth eww i cant believe i just thought that but all well.It came closer and i just realized that a guy was coming up to me he was walking kinda funny and i could smell whiskey on his breath.God he smelled soo freaking good.He cam close and i stepped back against a wall really how cleshay.All i could think was "Dam" when he stepped into the street light.He had the most sexiest blue eyes,his brown hair looked like he just got out of bed but it had jell it in i could tell.He was most likely 6 feet tall u could see his muscle leek through his shirt,his blood type was A+.Wait what did i just say his blood type??Holly shit!!He leaned his arm by my head and whisped in my ear.

"Hey there sexy wanna come back to my place?You have no idea what i could do to you.Dam you got a nice ass body.When im done with your sweet ass you wont be able to walk for days."

Well dam i wonder how that would work.Next thing i knew i felt lips on my neck my nose was sniffing his neck.Then i turned us around he was against the wall now and my lips where on his neck.Then he started to speak"Dam baby you really know how to play with a guy...."that was all he could get out till my inner vampire came out i could feel my fangs come out and then i bit him.Hard.He tasted soo freakin delish it was sweet and tangy i could taste the whiskey oh my bo-jeasus he was good.Then he stopped moving and his heart was slowing.I just couldnt stop i wanted to i really really wanted to but i didnt pull away i didnt stop till there was no heart beat.Shit i dumped his body in the dumpster hoping someone wouldn't find him but i felt bad.Well its to late now so i wiped my mouth and start to walk home.Then all the sudden i was running and in 3 minutes i was home.Holly shit i have never ran that fast this was freakin awesome.

When i walked in the door to my house i smelled blood maybe my little brother scraped his knee or something stupid.I stopped at the door and took off my shoes because my mom is a complete neat freak but i still loved her.I stepped into the dinning room and seen some one was laying on the floor next to the back door i went to go wake up my dad cuz he's the only on that ever does this and i could see his gray hairs.When i shook him he didnt move then i rolled him over and seen he was dead there were these two bite marks on his neck.I started panicking and looking for my brother and mom.That was when i herd a noise in the kitchen i ran to see what it was i was hoping it would be my mom dropping something.

I went into the kitchen to realize that the noise i herd was my brother he was dead i looked up to see mark he had blood all over his face and then i knew what he did to me what he did to my family.God im sick and fucking tired of him already.

cliffhanger thought i might try hope you like it will update soon and sorry it took so long been really busy.thankz 4 reading

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