My new Life

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I woke up at 12:00 and decided it wouldnt be one of those days where you just go back to sleep,today was a big day.I got out of bed and let the shower run while i brushed my teeth.When I got in it was just how i liked it,hot.After about 15 minutes I got out and dryed my hair then brushed through it.God im still tired guess to day is a bum day.I put my hair in a sloppy bun and dryed myself off.I went to my bags and relized how stupid I was not to pick out clothes before I had to get ready. I picked out my superman underwear and a white sports bra.I found a black pear of sweatpants and a shirt I got made that said bummy swag in blue spray paint. I picked out a pair of black and blue converse to go with it. I packed everything back up and took it all to my car.I got in and started the car and my favorite song cam on, dive in by trey songs.Oh my god he is to sexy for his own good.

 I got to the airport right on time. I went to the cheak-in lady and told her that i had orderd a ticket she asked for my name and printed it.I walked toward the plane.I found my seat and someone else was sitting in it.This person was a guy and he looked around my age.He had black hair that was spiked a little but you could tell it was just bed head.

"Umm....sir  im afraid your in my seet."I said.  

I have no idea why I was acting shy im never shy.He looked up and he had the most beatiful blue eyes I have ever seen.Did I forget to mention I love blue eyes.He sniffed the air and his nose wrickled.He had a look of discust planted on his face.Then I herd a low growl come from him.I almost missed it. Actuall i would have if it wasnt for my hearing. Ok that kinda just pissed me off and I half hissed and growled back at him.He still looked mad but also a little suprised.Ha dont underestamate me bitch.

I smelt the most nastiest smell on earth. Ughh what is that?I sniffed some more and found the source was this god infront of me. Dam bro nobody should ever smell like that.He smelt like wet dog mixed with month old trash and a hint of never taking a shower.

The nast beat moved over to his rightful seat.I put my bags up and sat down.He was watching me but I dont like stinky boys.He was about to say something and I put my headphone in and started listening to my music it was my favorite song by rihinna its called farwell.I felt someone tap me and I took out my headphones.

"Can you shut up nobody wants to hear you horriable singing.Besided other people are trying to sleep." nasty boy said

Ummm I dont know who the fuck he thinks he is but I an a great singer. I won alot of awards for singing and right now I want to shove all 12 of them up his ass.This dude is sooo rude.(Hahaha I rymed I love ryming). I mean I havent even said anything about his nast ass smell. 

"Well dick weed you dont have to be all rude about it you dont see me pointing out that you sell like your homeless and have been rolling around in your own shit!" Oppsy didnt mean to say that.

He looks super doper mad.

"You mad bro?"Lol I love saying that but I usually say it with people that will answer'Bro I aint even mad'. Good times good times.

"Well bitch you dont smell so great either what are you a vampire or something?" the nasty one said.

Holly shit how did he know that?What should I say? I looked at him and I knew my eyes were wide.I seen that he rgreted saying it but I didnt understand why.What the heel is he? He cant be human maybe he's a witch on steroids.Oh yea he buff as hell. His mussles are flowing out of his shirt.

"Ummmmmm...... Ummmmmm....What are you a mutt?" I have no Idea where the word mutt cam from I guess Twilight or some shit.When I seen reaction on his face it was priceless.His mouth was open and His face went pale.

"Well that sure did shut you up."THen i whisped " You little punk bitch" And yes I have and always will have a bad temper.

The reat of the flight was quite and I mostly slept.God I love sleep!I really hope sleep loves me and if it doesnt then im gunna have to go all ninja in this piece.

Im a hybrid and I have two mates......HELP!!Where stories live. Discover now