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ok so heres the deal im going to start writting in her point of view because it seems easier so here we go

If i say so myself things with my little group of friends is going great.Maggie and Trent(her boyfriend since like 7th grade) decided to take it to the next level and have sex but now they act really horny in public.Lanequa isnt really a hoe no more but shes made the biggest changes out of all of us.She now had a boyfriend named Ryan and might i say he be lookin so dam fine with his blue eyes and light brown skin his muscles always peeking through his shirt and he was a bigger flirt then his girl.Anyway hes the qb of the football team and so far had gotten like 5 full rides for college and Lanequa is now the cheer leading captain she just loves showing off her ass when she gets lifted up in the air.Now for me and Mark on the outside thing are goin great but deep down he really pisses me off right now because if he sees me talking to a guy he get mad and then doesnt talk to me for like two hours.I bet if i did that to he would be so pissed because he is a basketball player and is amazing i mean the season hasnt even started yet and he has the stands almost filled and girls screaming his name and shit it really pisses me off but i dont go all"bitch back off hes mine" on them like he does.

The next day i was sitting in my english class not even really paying attention to Mrs.Jackson,i think she was talking about nouns and verbs but why the hell do I need to know any of this shit i mean come on this is fuckin high school not middle school.Then i notice that this hottie with a killer body walked in he looked across the room and our eyes were locked on each other for like a whole minute that was until fat ass Mrs.Jackson ruined it by speaking with her annoying voice.

"Hello you must be Jack Hill well you can introduce yourself then sit down by Ashley .Ashley raise your hand so he know were to sit".I really didnt fell like being in this class anymore so i decided to be a smartass she really hates those.

"Why do i have to raise my hand if there is no other open desk, really to tell you the truth for being a teacher your really a dumb bitch." I seen her get upset then she really pissed me off she acted like i didnt even say anything that was when HE spoke

"ummm i think i can find my seat but can you tell where my next class is?" God he was hot but he seemed like a goodie two shoes and i really hate that but still i couldnt help but check him out.Damn i really just wanted to jump him.Then to my satifaction i learned that Mrs.Jackson did hear me

"well since it seem you have not had the school tour how about you save Miss.Lucas from detention and let her take you?"

SHIT now i know im in trouble i cant get in trouble i just remember i have a volleyball game today and i have to start.Well dam my fate was put into this little cutties hand, god he could touch me any place he wanted with those hands.Thats when he looked at me like i said all this out loud and said"well i think ill just take her ,she seems like a good time."What the hell where did that come from?

We were walking down the hall i was going to go show him the gym when i felt myself being pushed against the wall.Oh my gosh what is he doing?

"Hey sexy can you tell me if you got a swim team at this school?And how bout me and you meet up at lunch and go have a little fun at my house its not to far from here and its my own place?"

Holy shit I just met him and he already wanted to get in my pants.Then someone pulled my out of his reach when I looked up i seen Mark.Well dam if he already had trust issues this was just gunna make it worse.Mark said

"what the hell do you think you doing with MY soulmate you horny fuckin mutt."

Why the hell did he call him a.... wait what the fuck did he call me his soulmate what the hell.I mean yea i like him actually i like him alot but we never said i love you to one another heck we havent even fucked yet.Jack looked pissed then i heard a growl come from him..wait no way no person growls like a dog that when i here Jack say"Mine!!" Well didnt this just get really awkward i just me the kid like ten minutes ago how could i be his?God why did i have to be so sexy???Thats when i started giggling Mark and Jack looked at me

" Im sorry Jack but i guess i fergot to tell you but im knida dating some on right now.And as for you Mark will you let me go now? I have to go give Jack the rest of the tour of the school."

"Sorry about that i guess your kinda mad that i just flirted with you and now you know I have er.. well a boyfriend."

Jack just gave me this really sexy grin that wanted to make me pin him aginst the wall.

Jack said "Its ok for now I already know i will have you in the end.Now my little sexy tease how bout the rest of that tour?"

By the time we got done it was lunch time turns out Jack is a swimmer and loves dogs.He was really easy to talk to so she invited him to join her for lunch since she already knew Mark had a different lunch then her today.The rest of the table seemed to like him and the my cell vibrated i see that it was Maggie"yo he is such a hottie if i wasnt wid my boy i would let him get the golden ticket in like 2 hrs ;)" I could Not believe she just sent that i had no idea what to say back so i just gave her a look that said"really i cant believe you just said that' no one seemed to notice.

After school I waited by Marks car tonight we were going to the movies on a date.Thats when i seen Jack he looked lost so i went to go talk to him" Hey you lost lover boy?" Then he gave the biggest grin i have ever seen and said"Yea tease im lookin for the pool i forgot where it is can you show me?' I thought for a moment about bout and just said fuck it might as well Marks already late. I showed him the pool where A LOT and i mean A LOT of sexy guys in speedos where just staring around waiting for there couch."Hey wanna watch me change maybe you could help me undress?" Dam so tempting but i just couldn't.

" I'm sorry i cant Marks waiting on me im already late but maybe some other time sweet ass.Well i got to go bye"

I didnt even let him response i just left and realized its been like 15 minutes.Shit Marks gunna be so pissed.That was when i seen him leaning against his car he looked good he was wearing ripped jeans, a blue shirt, and a leather jacket.I just smiled and went to open the passenger side but it was locked when i looked up Mark was in my face he look so pissed off i got scared.

"where have you been ive been waiting for like 30 minutes im skipping basketball practice for this and you skipping a fuckin game so i say to you now if you were talkin to that fuckin mutt i-i-i dont even know what ill do"

HOLLY SHIT what do i tell him ill just lie then like he read my mind he said"Dont you fucking lie either!." yep im in bigggg trouble all well might as well just tell him its not i did anything bad

"Well actually yea i was with jack sorry you were late and he looked lost so i asked and he needed help finding the pool so i took him there"

Mark just unlocked the door and got into the driver seat after i put my back in the backseat and sat in the passenger side then MARK FUCKING HIT ME IN THE FUCKIN FACE!! All i could do was sit there and stare then he spoke"I dont want you talkin to him any more do you here me?!?!?!?!"I just shook my head yes.Then we took off for the movies.

Im a hybrid and I have two mates......HELP!!Where stories live. Discover now