Things change

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~First off I want to say I am truly sorry that I haven't updated in so long but volleyball and softball have now taken over my life.Also I didn't think I would get this many reads so I was just going to stop the book there but I've decide to keep it going.Hope you like it.~

Things can change and go bad in a split second.You could lose a person that is very dear to you or you could just lose yourself.Right now I am lost I've been running away from John for what feels like for years.Well I guess I have but never have I ran from him in the woods with my clothes torn.At this moment in life I am thinking of a lot of things I could of done different in life. Thing that I should have done and thing that I regret doing.I should have never ate all those cookies my mad for church then blames on my little brother.I should have stopped and helped that old lady cross the street .I should of never lied to Mr.Brown about my paper being done but I left it at home when I really fergot and went out with my friends everyday of the week.

You're probably are wondering who the flying fuck is John.Well when I was little I played softball and the was a man the showed up to all my games and only ever cheered me on.Then when school started again I would look out the windows and there he would be just standing there and watching.Everywhere I went he would be there then one day it all just stopped.

About a year later he showed up again but it didn't bother me as much because he never did anything to me.Well this time was different this time he took me for one hour.He was actually quite nice and didn't want to harm me so I never told anyone about him.

I regret that choice now because this scyko is chasing me in a field of corn.I realize you are most likely lost right now so let me rewind a little bit.


1 Day ago

Mark and I decided to go to a movie at 9.For now were at the mall eating.I got a subway foot long with chips,a cookie,and a medium drink.Mark got a salad.Nothing else just a salad.I feel fat now but I also feel like the man in the relationship.Haha I wear the pants.Which is ironic because I'm wearing a dress.

"Its 8:40 you ready to go?"I asked mark.

"Yes that was a pleasant lunch.We should do this again sometime."

I just sat there and looked at Mark like he was crazy.I mean who talks like that?Even old people talk with a little bit of slang these days.I couldn't hold it in anymore I just had to laugh.When I was finally done laughing I looked up at Mark there was a faint smile playing on his face.

We got to the movies we decide to watch White house down.The man that took our tickets looked familiar but I just couldn't put my hand on it.He smiled at me and I guess Mark didn't like that because he put his arm around me protectively.

The movie was amazingly awesome. We decided to stay till the movie theater closed. We went to the game section and played a few games of air hockey. I won bitches!Then we played a shooting game for a while.

Mark went to go grab the car from the mall since we walked and my feet were starting to hurt.The ticket man from earlier stood next to me.

"Excuse me miss but can I just tell you that you look very lovely tonight.I just thought you should know that."

"Thank you so much.So do you like your job here?Do you get to see movies for free?" I asked. I mean why not Mame new friends.

"I don't really like my job here but it pays the bills.And I don't really watch the movies I just clean up the place and take peoples tickets."

"Well I'm sorry to here that."

I tired around to see if I see if Mark was close yet.All the sudden I felt a little prick in my arm then another in my neck. I turned to see where the source came from and it was him Mr.Ticket master.

I woke up on a bed somewhere unfamiliar. There was no windows in fact there wasn't much in there at all.Just a bed,dresser,and picture.I looked closely at the picture and seen it was a girl in a softball uniform.She was number 7 and she was smiling g for the picture.That's when I noticed that she wasnt look at the person that took the picture but more to the right.That's when i also notice the little girl was me.

I went to the door and turned the knob the door was unlocked.I walked quietly just in case he was still here.The hallway I was doing down seemed like it took forever just to reach the stairs.The stair led to the living room.I could see the door but I could also see a women in the kitchen cooking an ass load of food.I had to get out of here without her seeing me.

I am currently on my stomach crawling to the door while humming the mission impossible theme song.I never thought that I would actually make it without being seen or herd. I also didn't think that the door would be unlocked.

I stepped out of the house and seen a bunch of shirtless gods.What happened did I die and go to sexy heaven?Ok Ashley don't get distracted.

I started to run though the crowd.I felt like Bella Swan trying to save Edward Cullen from getting himself killed but instead I was running to freedom. For some odd reason nobody chased me the all just stopes and stated.There was a field near by that I could lose someone in that is if anyone is chasing me now.The thing that is confusing me at the moment is why in the flying monkeys is the a random corn field here?

I heard rustling behind me and stopped to look to see what it was.Holly meatballs its my kidnapper.Ok I just gotta keep on runing I could outrun him I'm a vampire for goodness sakes.

I fell.Over my own shoelace. I dont know how many times I have told the dumb person in a scary movie to get up that they were stupid for falling.Well now that's me but I can't get up I broke my leg.All I feel is pain right now and I won't stop its spreading through my whole body right now. I feel like I'm dying.Then I hear my bones snapping.I feel really hot right now.I can't take it anymore I pass out.

When I finally woke up I was still in the corn field but I seem to have gotten a little taller. My four legs feel a little wobbly. I can stand though.... WAIT I HAVE FOUR LEGS!!!

Im a hybrid and I have two mates......HELP!!Where stories live. Discover now