My new way of life

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   sorry it took so long to upload i had to do alot of work for school but im back and ready to write.

  After everything happened i didnt really know what to do so i decided to just stay in my room but first things first i had to clean up the mess that was made. I went to where my brother and father were sleeping. Yes I know they weren't really sleeping but i just wasn't ready to admit that they were gone and were never coming back. I just couldn't take it i was always daddies little girl and i loved my brother no matter what.

  I went to the tool shed in the backyard. The backyard was quite big you could most likely have a circus back there. I took out a shovel and started to dig. I was going to burry my brother in between my father and mother so i started with his. As soon as the shovel it the ground and i started to dig it started to rain. I wanted to think that it was because god was feeling the pain of my family going up  him and that he would except them with open arms. Then I noticed i was crying but you couldnt really tell so i was ok with just digging and crying.

  As i started to dig the last plot for my mother i hit something. I thought that maybe it was just a rock or something so i hit it again hoping that it would break so that i could continue. It just wouldnt budge i set the shovel down and knelt net to the hole i could feel the mud seeping through my pants but i dont care. I started digging with my hands and felt some things cold it felt like metal. I started digging more and more and it was getting loose. I put my hands under to where i could pull the thing out. As i started to pull i realized that it was bigger than i thought. When i finally got it out all the way i realized it was a time capsule. I wanted to go through it but i need to set me family to rest. I started to dig again then when i figured it was deep enough I went back inside and got my family. 

    I set them in there now permanent beds. I put there hands across there chest and laid face up just like you would if it was a real funeral. I closed their eyes and let there faces look blank i didnt want because  to put a smile that would be just to creepy and unsettling. I ran upstairs to where my mother and fathers room was and pick out there favorite thing so i could burry them with it.

    My mom always loved this baby blue scarf that my dad got her for her birthday. She would were that thing on every special occasion. She even wore it when my brother asked out a girl he was so worried but it was cute she said yea but the broke up like a week later because she ended up being a stalker. Dam im off topic but back to my mom. Next then was he shoes she loved to run and had worn out her running shoes so i put those on the bed with her scarf. I found a bag in there walk-in closet that could hold everything that i would want to put in there.

    My dad  was a ex- pro basketball player. He had his uniform framed and would boast about it all the time. The only place it was aloud to be in was my parents room because mom thought it was stupid. I grabbed it off the wall and broke the glass and put the uniform on the bed with moms stuff. I went to the dresser and found his favorite watch and threw it on the bed. Well i ment to throw it on the bed instead it passed the bed and went into the wall. It didnt break but the wall had a nice little hole in it now. I went and picked it up but this time i set it on the bed. I went to moms side of the bed and opened her dresser. My hand felt around for a necklace that she loved and i knew it was in here.Then my hand felt something weird and rubbery i pulled it out and when i seen what it was I didnt know what to do so i threw it and it went right out the window and landed in the neighbors yard. HOLLY SHIT I JUST FOUND MY MOMS "PLAY TOY" AND NOW ITS IN THE NEIGHBORS YARD!!! Fuck it they can deal with that shit im not touching that thing again the first time was enough was for me.

     I walked to the bathroom to was my hands and as soon as i walked in i fell after running into a wall. Now my ass hurts. I sat there and rubbed it when i herd a laughter coming form where the wall was that i ran into. I opened my eyes to see Mark. 

 Wh-wha-what are y-yo-you doing h-here?? i said and yea i was kinda scared because i thought he left a long time ago.

He looked at me and it seemed like he was lost in thought the he spoke" I just came here to explain some things to you and see if you need help with your family."

    That kinda struck a nerve  and i wanted to yell and scream and kill him but i had to remember that i was going to live with him.

    " You can if you want to right now im just gathering some things for them to have in the after life.And i have to ask if you would let me move in with you at some point in time this week."

I seen that he was going to say something but i wasnt finished just yet.

"I just figured that were both going to live forever now so why the hell not. I dont want to live by myself and i dont want to live with humans because i know i will end up out living them.Plus i get attached to people easily so can i please just stay with you ?"

"Ashley of course you can live with me your the love of my never ending life and i would want nothing more than for you to live with me. So where do you want to start with your family's long slumber?"

"Well first i have to wash my hands then i have to get some stuff for my brother but you could get all the stuff on my parents bed and put it in a bag then meet me in my brothers if you will please do so?"

Next thing i know im in my brothers room and i already know what i want to grab for him.My brother was big in sports he did soccor,basketball,football,baseball,wrestling,golf,swimming,and what he loved the most was skateboarding. I grabbed all of his uniforms that he had and his skate board and put it on his bed.That was when i seen a photo albam on his computer desk.So i grabbed it waiting on Mark and started lookin through it.

 There were picture of the time we went to england,new york,russia,and paris. Me and him always made goofy faces and it would make mom mad because she always wanted a serious one of the famliy. One of the pictures has me jumping in the air freaking out because he told my there was a spider on me. All you seen is my dad trying to hold back a laugh and my brother cracking up. 


   We finally put everything in with the fam and started put dirt back on them.I put some flower on the three piles of dirt when we were finished and then i remember the time caspule.Mark carried it in for me then looked at it. His facial expression changed in two point five seconds now he is really pissed.

"Why in the hell do you have this it has the symbol of the Midnight wolf pack!! What the fuck Ashley what did you do?!?!?"

   I had no idea at all what he was talking about when i went to look at it there was a carving of a wolf howling at the moon there was a heart on the wolf. Tell you the truth i loved it.I opened it and there was baby things,pictures of my mom and dad standing with strangers and they all looked happy then i seen that the stranger had a baby girl in there hand and they both look like me. In the background the was a huge house and like 14 wolves. YEA I JUST SAID WOLVES. I dont see how my parents and the strangers didnt flip the fuck out or had the time to take a picture.

I put the picture back then i noticed some letters.They were never opened i could tell because they had the same seal that the capsule did.  On the front it said OPEN ONLY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY! Well i guess this was an emergency.

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