Chapter 15 DAMIN

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The mahogany earth that was once Zuliël shifted into a aquatic cosmos. Waterfalls and lagoons drapped the walls of stone. The water peoples carvings on the stone walls and the water of all different colours swarmed around me.. I... I was home ...

When Zuliël finished changing I was put down on the water. To my surprise, I was floating. Water bending with my feet took minimum effort. It was like breathing. The water birds came out to greet as I twirled and out of my clothes came water.. This was really my element. Where I truly belonged. My clothes were charred to a crisp. I toss out my shielded body armour and used the water elements to create a new shirt & short pants. Binding the leaves that were white to make the blouse and turquoise flowers to make the shorts. I called on the vines and made myself gladiator vine shoes... This looks Epic! I braid my long hair into a Katness braid leaving the head band in but stuck in some flowers to make it more girly. This feels more like a fashion show.. I must say.

I walked to the nearest edge and climbed out of the waters reach. I then heard a break through asif someone had broken a glass. I hid behind a willow tree, the long water bearing branches camouflaging my silhouette, the headband helping.. Blending in my figure. It's a muscular boy, bright blue eyes and black hair. His shoulders were broad, casting the illusion that he was bigger than he was. His profile was dark, a shadow casted over his face. He has something to hide but I keep my distance not to let trouble come to me... Just the thing is.. Boys don't play the game with girls and behind him was the other group of boys. They all followed him in. That's so strange! I wonder how the hell he got in here , he doesn't look like he goes to our school at all. I see Noah but I don't dare follow. He will be the one I kill last.

This world is mine... this element , the woods and the air. They are all out matched. I take my hand and slowly begin playing with the water around their bodies.When you take away the sweat their bodies are producing, their bodies will create more and more until they dihidrate. The one boy passed out against the tree, his friend executing him on the spot. He got rid of him for me.. I just didn't think it was that easy.

"You fool, what have you done!", The boy yelled at the hazel brown haired boy who was the executer.

The executing boy looked distraught..

But the main idea of this game is to kill! The boy yelled back contemptuously.

"Very well", the boy answered with a smooth tone. He picked out the nearest knife out of the other boys pocket and slashed the boy across the face. The executing boy had a gash from the tip of his eyebrows to the middle of his cheek. As I looked closely I saw ... It was Dylan!!

I yelled and ripped free of the trees camouflage. The boys all darting into different directions, running as fast as their legs can carry them. The boy throws the knife with one swoop in my direction and it almost hit me straight inbetween the eyes. I pulled water out of the air creating an ice shield and the knife stuck in it as it was aimed for my cranium. I let the water turn to gas, freeing the knife. I kept the tip cold though sothat it would pierce skin easily. I drove the knife full on into the boys direction. He counter attacked me .. Throwing me to the side and got rid of the knife.

" Ahhh Ashme Grey, how nice of you to join us", he said while licking his lips.

I didn't like that tone.. It had nasty written all over it.

You know my name? ... Have we met before?..

I am Avery Alec my dear sweet Mrs. grey ...


Welcome to the Alice club , where everyday is a bright sunshine day. We as a organisation pride ourselves in our proper lady manner. We are sophisticated, poised and elegant. An Alice may not steal, cheat or lie unless it's absolutely necessary. To be an Alice you have to undergo a procedure where you are given a nasty taste for the human bodys blood glucose.. Minus the sugar. In otherwords.. Vamps only bitches. I am the president of the vampire student body and so I always take my job very seriously.

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