Chapter 5: Second guessing is always an option..

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-Was two Y's too much??-

What are you up too?

Lying in bed getting ready to sleep and you?

Thinking about how you were lying on my chest, i miss you ..

Aww :) tomorrows another day but I've got to enroll into this new school..

Which one?

London Ridgewood High..

That's my old school actaully

Oh, how old are you anyway?

Nineteen in a few months. . .

Oh thats cool! So hey I'm going to go to bed, I'm really, really tired..

Goodnight love* :)

Goodnight Noah :)

I had just turned around to sleep. My eyes had just, just closed when my phone rang. I turned around looking at the clock 3:33 am

I pick up and only heard a man breathing in the background. Once, twice and then i say hi

Hello?? And the call ends

I sleep till the next morning having a storm of dreams .. Clouded thoughts, few of my memories and Noah just a faint silhouette of him in the golden sunlight.


My mother is sitting at the coffee table all gussied up in her workers clothes probably to seal the deal..

Again hun?

Yeah i say opening the fridge to find it filled with nothing

My mom looks at me and then holds out her hand..

Give me your phone..

I hand my mom my phone and she deletes and blocks the number.

There she says giving it back, grabbing her laptop and walking to her room.

Remember to dress properly sweat pea.. New school remember

I wave her off climbing into the shower. The warm water running off my skin felt good and as my hands scrubbed off the soap , i remember Noah's hands sliding in the small of my back just fast enough to take away my breath ..

Intriguing, i breathe as i finish up wrapping the towel around me. Dressing in flats, skinnies and a plain blue shirt i walk out of my room.

My mother puts her laptop in its bag and loads everything she needs in the car. First day at London Ridgewood High. The school is a few blocks away and its huge! But their uniforms aren't complimenting the girls figures at all.. White shirts and green skirts , it was nice... but boy did those girls wear it a bit tight ..Yikes!

So i get assigned to a class and i sit in for a few lessons until i call my mom and tell her i want to be home schooled.. It's so boring here..

A girl walks over to the lunch table I'm sitting at. Her hair was an odd colour of pinkish red. She wore it in a crown braid put up nicely with bobby pins as it came down in a mess and an elastically held inside out braid to finish. She's taller than me with a good posture, nice sneakers and she smiles like a model with these unnaturally straight teeth that only braces could cause.

Hi, I'm B she said shaking my hand and then sitting right next to me. Becky Lancaster but B for short..

Ash I say shaking her hand .. Ashme Grey but I like Ash better but you can call me what you want I said smiling shyly ..

She was so beautiful and had a really nice personality aswel as far as i could tell..

She walked me to half my classes and sat next to me in every one of them.

Asking me the same damn questions you would ask a new girl like: " where you from..,have you met.. , have you been.. , where have you been ecs. ecs.. But i answered most of these questions cause once i told B she told everyone else and that just saved me time.

She thought she was fat and that boggled my mind when we got to the bathroom and she asked me if her hips were big .. Cause she was beautiful from head to toe ! No other girl shared the absolute beauty that she had .. Her eyes sparkling when she talked about the boy she had a huge crush on.. The friends she introduced with grace but also the kindness she showed to a complete stranger.. That was pageant BEAUTY to me!

You are exquisite i told her. There is no one youer than you and you are BEAUTIFUL..

After the bathroom insistent she asked for my BLUEQUICK PIN and i gave it to her instantly because lets be honest here, I LIKED HER and wanted to be her friend!

I got to the lobby and started climbing stairs to my apartment and there is Noah sitting on my doorstep waiting for me..

Hi he said getting up coming closer.

Hi i say suspicious.. Walking a little faster to try and catch the elevator ... And BAMB! It closes in my face and guess what ? Now I have to have a conversation about what he's doing here ...

We stand in awkward silence as he just taps on the floor with his foot..

You waiting for someone? I finally ask trying to break the silence.
I was waiting for you he says softly

His hand immediately slips in-between my neck and his other in the small of my back again, I try too hesitate or resist but nothing is working! It's like my body is in over drive and it won't hit the eject button.. I guessed it must be stuck . He pulls me into him as his for head touches mine.

His breathing intensifies as his lips lightly brush mine accidentally.. What can i say? .. He said , you needed a little push. I pulled away first this time..

You are a problem ..

I'm your problem ..he said as he leans over me

Your a distraction of the wonderful world i clearly worked so hard to isolate myself from.. You make me notice things i don't want to notice..

Maybe that's a goodthing, for you to reach for the stars .. Like your YouTube career , i saw your video's ... they're good , you should keep on going and chase them..

Look.. We live in a society where they tell you the sky is the limit but the second we reach for the constellations.. They tell us its impossible !

Do you get that Noah? Do you? ...

Your talent measures your boundaries and limits ... and right now with your talents.. You've got no limits to your expectations..

But some expectations are just to high for me to reach.. I gave it up Noah.. It was my choice..

He comes in with me and i make coffee almost instantly. He walks straight to my room and sits on my bed.. My ears redden a little.. There are pictures of me when i was like 8. I hear giggles & chuckles from my room and I walk too the room.. I brought the coffee with but as I enter I hear something eccentric.. He wondered off to the piano and played a little symphony .. I put down the coffee as softly as possible and sat on my bed quietly listening to how the keys dance melancholically under his fingers..

He stopped playing looking up as he stood up from the 88 keybpard & came and sat across from me.

That was amazing i said looking at him..

Something in his face changed.. He looked sad and depressed but hid it so i couldn't read what was going on..his phone bieped a few times and then he put it off..

I leaned in this time my hand in his neck as our lips entwined like our hands do every time.

You don't want to talk about it?

No.. How was your day ?

And then i realized that second guessing every feeling that i had towards him was probably not such a bad idea...  although he was clouding my thoughts, i liked it cause this raincloud had a silver lining..

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